ESU’s College of Education Has NCATE Accreditation Renewed After Meeting All Six NCATE Standards

Posted by: admin on June 24, 2014, No Comments

The Teacher Education Unit at East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania met rigorous standards set forth by the professional education community, and in turn, has had its National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) accreditation renewed. These programs are housed in the College of Education, the College of Arts and Sciences, and the College of Health Sciences at ESU.

The Continuous Improvement Commission of the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) voted to continue the NCATE accreditation for ESU’s initial teacher preparation and advanced preparation levels. This decision indicates that ESU and its teacher education programs met all six standards set forth by the professional education community. The next on-site visit will be in 2020.

“This accomplishment is due to the collaborative work, dedication and energy of countless individuals who worked for many years to complete this review process,” said Pamela Kramer Ertel, Ed.D., dean of ESU’s college of education and head of the Teacher Education Unit. “We each have the privilege of having an immeasurable impact on the future of education through our work as teacher educators. We are very proud of our re-accreditation by NCATE.”