Schisler Museum and McMunn Planetarium Set for Grand Opening, April 2

Posted by: admin on March 30, 2016, No Comments

With a polar bear, planetary bodies, and plenty of exploration to offer, the Schisler Museum of Wildlife & Natural History and McMunn Planetarium at ESU has set its much anticipated public opening for April 2, 2016.

Housed in the Warren E. ’55 and Sandra Hoeffner Science and Technology Center on the ESU campus, the facility offers a state-of-the-art planetarium as well as a world-class museum with more than 130 taxidermy exhibits, a 300-gallon aquarium, and insects from around the globe.

Catherine T. Klingler was hired as the new curator of the Schisler Museum and McMunn Planetarium in September 2015, after working for 20 years with the Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh in a range of roles including assistant director of exhibits, curatorial assistant, and manager of media services.

Klingler graduated from Indiana University of Pennsylvania with a double major in English and German, while minoring in paleontology and music. She then earned a master’s degree in translation from Rutgers University in New Brunswick, N.J.

“I knew I was headed toward a career in the arts and sciences. I had always loved nature and science,” said Klingler. She noted that she accidentally got into museum work when her passion for wildlife carried her to the Carnegie Museums. “Surprisingly, my range of experience was something museums really needed.”

Then the curator position opened up at ESU. “I was very excited to be selected for the position,” she said. “It’s everything I love, from education to exhibits, in one place.”

Her main goals include establishing regular visiting hours and developing ongoing programs for visitors and students. She is working with ESU’s College of Education and College of Arts and Sciences to ensure that the programs are aligned with teaching standards. ESU students also use the museum and planetarium for hands-on coursework.

The mission of the Schisler Museum and McMunn Planetarium is to inspire wonder, exploration, understanding, and stewardship of the natural world through engaging collections, innovative programs, and relationships with a diverse community. Klingler has seen the impact that nature and space exploration has on students and visitors alike.

“We are all residents of this planet. We have to learn how to co-exist with our surroundings,” she said. “The museum and planetarium provide an engaging environment for people to begin to understand their role in the ecosystem — it gives people a sense of personal responsibility.”

Nearly all of the museum’s taxidermy exhibits were collected and donated by East Stroudsburg University alumni Arthur ’62 and Fannie Greene ’62 Schisler. The McMunn Planetarium is named in honor of ESU supporters and alumni Charles A. “Tony” ’69 and Patricia Lythgoe ’68 McMunn.

The official public opening on April 2 builds on the momentum of the McMunn Planetarium, which has welcomed thousands of visitors to seasonal sky shows and celestial events since 2008. The Schisler Museum of Wildlife & Natural History was completed in 2013 and has been open to the public on a limited basis since then.

“The museum and planetarium are truly meant to be a place of excitement for explorers of all ages. On April 2, we are opening our doors and inviting the community to experience the wonder of discovery at ESU,” said Klingler.

Anyone interested in museum and planetarium activities can contact Klingler at or 570-422-2705.