27 ESU Students Visit Washington, D.C. as Part of Political Science Classwork
Posted by: admin on May 1, 2015, One Comment
When 27 East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania students arrived on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. for their scheduled tour of the Capitol on April 28, they heard a host of sirens and found the Capitol surrounded with yellow tape. It was the Presidential Motorcade. President Barack Obama was there to hear the Prime Minister of Japan give a speech to the joint session of the United States Congress.
The field trip was led by Kimberly S. Adams, Ph.D., professor of political science, as part of the “Women and Politics and Senior Seminar” classes.
“The field trip I took with Dr. Adams and our class was an experience I will never forget,” Atiba Khan, a senior majoring in business management from Stroudsburg, Pa., said. “We were given an opportunity to not only explore our nation’s capital, but also interact and network with influential individuals that impact our daily lives.”
While in Washington, D.C., the students were introduced to former delegate Donna Christensen from the Virgin Islands, who was a member of Congress from 1997-2015. She talked to students about her devotion to health care and her committee work on the House Committee on Homeland Security. She also discussed her work on the Affordable Health Care bill. Following her presentation, the students visited the Senate Gallery to watch congressional proceedings. Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA) spoke about what she believes America’s relationship with Iran should be.
“Having the opportunity to connect with members of Congress, chiefs of staff, and other prominent individuals is not only informative but motivating as well,” Efia King, a senior majoring in communication studies and sociology, said. “Trips like this are so valuable because it brings everything to life that I’ve learned in the classroom.”
Dr. Adams arranged a forum of speakers to come visit with the students for the remainder of their trip. Speakers included Representative Matt Cartwritght’s (PA-17), Chief of Staff, Hunter Ridgeway, who discussed jobs and internship opportunities, Senator Casey’s Chief of Staff, Jim Brown, who discussed his job as the Chief of Staff and role played with the students about the duties and responsibilities of managing a U.S. Senate office, and journalist Eleanor Clift who provided an insider’s perspective of the 2016 presidential election climate.
“Our trip to Capitol Hill offered a rare learning experience for students to witness up close and personal the day-to-day activities and the inner workings of government on Capitol Hill,” said Dr. Adams. “The students thoroughly enjoyed their interactions with the guest speakers and were stunned by the amount of young people working on the Hill. I sincerely hope that our D.C. trip provided my students with proof that their dreams of one day working in Washington can become a reality.”
The students will be expected to write a summary of their experiences and observations on the field trip and what they have learned in the Women and Politics and Senior Seminar classes. The summaries will be made available to the ESU community.
The field trip was funded by an ESU Provost departmental instructional resource fund. For more information about ESU political science degree programs, contact Dr. Adams at ksadams@esu.edu or 570-422-3924.
Margaret Barksdale
Posted May 3, 2015 at 12:12 PM
Hello Guys,
Leave it to Dr. Adams to provide and interesting and exciting trip.I had a great time on my trip too.
Best wishes to you all.
Margaret Barksdale, Graduate student