ESU Students Attend Workforce Exploration Program in Washington, D.C.

Posted by: Elizabeth Richardson on November 19, 2024, No Comments
Photo: left to right: Favor Toby, Mowon Garlo and Ava Cisco. Not pictured is Isabella Rincon.
Four East Stroudsburg University students attended the “Workforce Exploration Program” through The Washington Center (TWC) in Washington, D.C., November 7-10. The program focused generally on career-connected skills for the future of work. The program gave college students from across the country a more in-depth understanding of the trends that are impacting on the workforce, how employers are responding to changes in where and how work happens and examining the skills for the future of work. Sessions were held on the topics of Individuals Working as Teams, Critical Thinking & Problem Solving, Project Management and AI, and Making and Presenting Data Driven Decisions.
The students, Ava Cisco, a freshman majoring in nursing from Upper Darby, Pa.; Mowon Garlo, a sophomore majoring in criminal justice from Yeadon, Pa.; Isabella Rincon, a junior majoring in political science from Bethlehem, Pa.; and Favor Toby, a sophomore majoring in business management from Folcroft, Pa.; each applied for the program and were accepted with a full scholarship to participate.
Discussions and interactive workshops focused on the Hybrid Workforce and Its Impact on the Employee, Negotiating Salary and Benefits, and Establishing Your Reputation. In the latter workshop, students were challenged to define the reputation they wanted to have and the kind of words and ideas they wanted associated with them. The presenter stated that “Reputations can develop organically, but they can also be cultivated and shaped through intentional choices in career marketing materials. The practices of corporate brands can be applied to individuals by using structured narratives.”
Speakers included: Aasiyah Blow, employee engagement and communications officer, Office of Strategy, Maryland Department of Transportation; Jessica Saunders, Ellis Jordan HR Consulting; Murphy (Mary) Baker, FOX 5 DC HR talent management; and Satoshi Tozaki, HR business partner, IMF Legal Department.
Kimberly Adams, Ph.D., professor of political science, is ESU’s campus liaison for the Washington Center. “We are pleased to offer students high impact experiential learning experiences, like this Workforce Exploration Program at TWC. It allows our students to network with professionals in the nation’s capital and realize their own potential. Such experiences have been found to be a motivating factor for students to excel academically,” Dr. Adams said. Each year she hosts a representative from TWC on campus to recruit students for programs and seminars.
To learn more about The Washington Center programs, contact Adams by calling (570) 422-3294 or email