Balanced Scorecard Training Research and Economic Development at East Stroudsburg University

Posted by: admin on October 25, 2013, No Comments
The East Stroudsburg University (ESU) Office of Workforce Development is teaming up with the Northeastern Pennsylvania Industrial Resource Center (NEPIRC) to present training on the Balanced Scorecard Strategic Planning process. The training is Tuesday, November 12, from 9 to 11 a.m. in the ESU Innovation Center.
Leo Gilroy, NEPIRC’s Director of Strategy and Innovation, will present a basic overview of the Balanced Scorecard strategy and execution process. The Balanced Scorecard tool is a multidimensional approach to measuring performance that incorporates both financial and non-financial factors. Participants will be able use the Balanced Scorecard as a road map for strategic execution, mobilizing and aligning executives and employees, and fostering continuous improvement. Managers and leaders across multiple industries are encouraged to attend.
The ESU Innovation Center is located at 562 Independence Road, East Stroudsburg, Pa., 18301. There is no to cost to participate. Registration is required by Wednesday, November 6, and seating is limited. To register, contact Sharone Glasco, director of workforce development, at or 570-422-7952.