Chapter of Scientific Research Sigma Xi, Honors Teachers and Students

Posted by: admin on June 11, 2012, No Comments
The East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania Chapter of Sigma Xi, the international scientific research honor society, recently honored two area teachers and 28 ESU students for excellence in scholarly pursuits of the sciences. Four new associate members were inducted into Sigma Xi as well. Awards were presented during the 37th annual Sigma Xi honors banquet held in May at the Stroudsmoor Country Inn in Stroudsburg, Pa.
Teacher Awards
These awards are given to recognize local elementary, middle, and high school science and math teachers for their respective contributions in fostering an interest in science or math in their students. Teachers are nominated by their peers and are chosen by the members of Sigma Xi. Teachers honored at the banquet included:
Carol Dunn, a science teacher at Wallenpaupack Area High School since 1975, was one of the recipients of the 2012 Sigma Xi Outstanding Science Teacher Awards. Dunn currently serves as the Wallenpaupack’s science department chairperson and the chess club advisor, and has coached the science olympiad team for 30 years. During that time, 12 of the science olympiad teams competed at the states level, with two teams qualifying for nationals. As an educator, Dunn has received numerous honors including: Outstanding Teacher of the Year (1986), Environmental Education Award (1980), and the Governor’s Award for Excellence (1998).
Dunn earned her bachelor of arts degree in biology from the University of Pennsylvania in 1972, and her master of science degree in chemistry from the University of Scranton in 1979. She has completed sabbatical studies at East Stroudsburg University and Wilkes University.
Linda Stein, an earth and space science teacher at Lehman Intermediate School, was also a recipient of the 2012 Sigma Xi Outstanding Science Teacher Award. A teacher in the East Stroudsburg School District for the past ten years, Stein currently serves as the science department chair for grades 6-8. In this leadership role, she has initiated and coordinated an annual science fair. She has also created an interpretive trail outdoor classroom at the North Campus of East Stroudsburg School District, garnering the support of environmental agencies in Monroe and Pike counties, as well as clubs and organizations within the community.
Stein received her bachelor of science degree in medical technology from Bloomsburg University, and her master of secondary education certification in biology from East Stroudsburg University. For 20 years, Stein worked in clinical hospital laboratories, receiving a specialist in blood banking certification and was a senior medical technologist at the University of Pennsylvania Blood Bank. Prior to her employment as an educator, she was the blood bank supervisor at the Reading Hospital and Medical Center, where she was responsible for collection and transfusion services. She published several professional papers and presented at blood bank conferences.
Student Awards
Award-winning students in each specific area of study within the academic science and math departments at ESU were selected by the faculty. Student honors awards presented at the banquet included:
Faculty Memorial Awards:
The following two awards are presented each year to the graduate and undergraduate students who give the most outstanding oral presentations at the Sigma Xi Research Forum, held on campus in April.
Graduate award was presented to Han Wang, a graduate student majoring in computer science from Beijing, China.
Undergraduate award was presented to Amy Lebkuecher, a psychology major from Portland, Pa.
Department of Biological Sciences:
Environmental studies award was presented to Larry Laubach, an environmental studies major from Pen Argyl, Pa., who is also pursuing a minor in geography.
Marine science award was presented to Nadine Drumn, a biology and marine science major from Freeland, Pa., who is also pursuing a minor in chemistry.
Biotechnology award was presented to Jesse Haskell, a biotechnology major from East Stroudsburg, Pa., who is also pursuing a minor in chemistry.
Department of Chemistry:
American Chemical Society award and American Institute of Chemists award was presented to Brendan Smith from Phillipsburg, N.J. Smith graduated from ESU in December 2011 with a B.S. in Chemistry.
Biochemistry award was granted to Willow Tayburn, a biochemistry major from Bangor, Pa.
Analytical Chemistry awards were presented to Chris Stangl, a chemistry major from Bethlehem, Pa. and Rachel Vowcicefski, a chemistry and English major from East Stroudsburg, Pa.
Elizabeth Kurtz Scholarship was presented to Luisa Londono, a chemical biotechnoloy major from Garfield, N.J.
Chemistry/Secondary Education award was granted to Whitney Twining from Thompson, Pa. Twining graduated from ESU in May 2011 with a B.S. in chemistry with a concentration in secondary education.
Department of Computer Science:
Computer science and security awards were granted to Sam Cappella, a computer science and computer security major from Bangor, Pa. who is also pursuing a minor in mathematics and John Aruta, a computer science and computer security major from Saylorsburg, Pa. who is also pursuing a minor in mathematics.
Computer science graduate program award was presented to Han Wang, a graduate student majoring in computer science from Beijing, China.
Department of Geography:
Physical geography award was granted to Christopher Fallon, a geography and economics major from Marshall’s Creek, Pa.
Department of Mathematics:
B.S. in Math/Teacher Education award was granted to Maureen Ordnung, a mathematics major with a concentration in secondary education from Honesdale, Pa.
B.S. in Math/Education and Applied Math award was presented to Stephanie Konnick, a mathematics major with a concentration in secondary education from Pottstown, Pa.
Department of Physics:
General Science award was granted to Nicole Pisano, a general science major with a concentration in secondary education from Mount Olive, N.J.
Paul Kicska Scholarship was awarded to Vincent Simeone, a physics major from Mount Pocono, Pa.
Elizabeth Kurtz Scholarship was awarded to Sal-Lee Patti, an earth and space science and special education major from Phillipsburg, N.J.
Earth and Space award was granted to Melissa Maupin, an earth science major with a concentration in secondary education from Coaldale, Pa.
Engineering award was granted to James Kollmer, an engineering transfer major from East Stroudsburg, Pa.
Sigma Pi Sigma award was granted to Ross Gunderson, a physics major from York, Pa., who is also pursuing a minor in mathematics.
Departmental Service award was granted to Shyam Patel, a physics major from Nazareth, Pa., who is also pursuing a minor in chemistry.
Department of Psychology:
B.S. Program award was presented to Amy Lebkuecher, a psychology major from Portland, Pa.
B.A. Program award was presented to Jonathan Cooke, a psychology major from McMinnville, Tenn.
New Inductees
Sigma Xi also inducted four new associate members at the 2012 honors banquet. Membership nomination requires students to conduct original scientific research and share their findings by publication or presentation. New inductees for 2012 are: Scott Campion, a graduate student majoring in computer science from East Stroudsburg, Pa.; Christopher Fallon, a geography and economics major from Marshall’s Creek, Pa.; Mayra Paz, a psychology major from Bushkill, Pa., and; Han Wang, a graduate student majoring in computer science from Beijing, China.
For more information about these awards contact Dr. Alan Shaffer, associate professor of chemistry and ESU Sigma Xi chapter secretary, at (570) 422-3796 or by email at