Chris Sandy to Speak on Drunk Driving at ESU, March 30

Posted by: admin on March 24, 2016, No Comments
At 22 years old, Chris Sandy’s life changed forever. Attending a party with a few friends one night, he decided to have a few drinks. When it was time to leave, Sandy put his keys in the ignition and proceeded to travel at a speed of 77 mph in a 35 mph zone on a country road outside of Atlanta, Ga. Moments later, his car crashed into an oncoming vehicle, killing an elderly couple. Sandy spent 8 ½ years in a Georgia state prison after being charged with vehicular homicide and driving under the influence. Now on probation until 2031, Sandy travels around the U.S. and shares his story with students, small groups, and businesses. On March 30 at 7 p.m., Sandy will tell his story in the Abeloff Center of the Performing Arts at East Stroudsburg University.
“It’s so important for students to realize the kind of impact one bad decision can make,” Mary Rennick, a junior majoring in psychology from New Philadelphia, Pa., said. “This presentation can save lives.”
Sandy wants to spend the rest of his life preventing others from making the decisions he made. He constantly speaks at middle schools, high schools, universities, businesses, town hall meetings, conferences and churches around the country. He has worked with Family Connections, Safe and Drug Free Schools, Safe and Healthy Schools, and GEAR UP.
This event is open to the public and it is free of charge. It is sponsored by Alpha Sigma Tau, a Panhellenic sorority on campus, the Health Education & AToD Prevention Office, and Counseling and Psychological Services office. For more information contact Wando Holt, interim Greek Life coordinator at 570-422-3775 or