Communications Leader, Angela Harrington Set to Deliver Speech at ESU’s Graduate Commencement Ceremony

Posted by: Elizabeth Richardson on April 24, 2018, 2 Comments
Angela Harrington will be the keynote speaker for East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania’s graduate commencement ceremony on Friday, May 4 in Koehler Fieldhouse at 6:45 p.m.
Currently serving as vice president of communications and external relations at Berkeley College, Harrington oversees internal and external communications and community outreach at the college with more than 7,000 students at eight campus locations and online. At Berkeley College, she founded Women’s Entrepreneurship Week, a popular global initiative held in partnership with other universities, to bring a voice to women in business.
Harrington is an Emmy-Award winning journalist with experience in higher education business, foundation and community partnerships, women’s issues, economic development and entrepreneurship. In her role as president of a marketing and public relations firm she was honored by NJBIZ magazine as one of New Jersey’s Best 50 Women in Business in 2007.
Harrington serves on the Executive Board of the Latino Leadership Alliance of NJ, and is a member of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) Counselors to Higher Education.
In 2017, Harrington was a fellow at the Harvard University Graduate School of Education “Institute for Educational Management” and “Women in Education Leadership” programs. She holds a bachelor’s degree in political science from Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey – Douglass College, and a master’s degree in organization and management from Capella University.
Harrington resides in Springfield, N.J., with her husband, John, and daughters Lauren and Gabrielle.
2 Responses to “Communications Leader, Angela Harrington Set to Deliver Speech at ESU’s Graduate Commencement Ceremony”
Suzanne Crincoli
Posted April 26, 2018 at 7:38 AM

You are an example of strength, perseverance and wisdom! I am so lucky to call you family!
Shine on sister!
Enza Emma
Posted April 25, 2018 at 2:00 PM
Congratulations Angela