Dance Company and Community Dance Program Announce Plans For 'Gestures and Postures' Spring Dance Showcase

Posted by: admin on May 1, 2012, No Comments
Members of the East Stroudsburg University Dance Company and children from ESU’s Community Dance Program will perform in ‘Gesture & Postures’ Spring Dance Showcase on Sunday, May 6. The show will take place from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. in the Smith-McFarland Theatre located in the Fine and Performing Arts Center on Normal and Marguerite streets, East Stroudsburg. The event is open to the general public. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for students, seniors and children.
Gestures & Postures is a non-profit organization that promotes community development by educating people about dance through a creative, historic, and therapeutic lens, and encouraging involvement outside of the organization’s educational presentation.
For more information on the Spring Dance Showcase, contact Natalie Schultz-Kahwaty, adjunct instructor in movement activities and lifetime fitness, at (201) 401-5494 or email