Department of Music To Present Winter Band Concert

Posted by: admin on December 4, 2012, No Comments
Seasonal selections will be featured at the Winter Concert of the East Stroudsburg University/Community Concert Band on December 9 at East Stroudsburg University. The University/Community Concert Band is ESU’s largest and most visible instrumental ensemble. Curtain time for the concert, sponsored by the Department of Music, is 7 p.m. at the Cecilia S. Cohen Recital Hall in the university’s Fine and Performing Arts Center, Normal and Marguerite Streets, East Stroudsburg. The performance is open to the public at no cost.
The program will also feature major compositions for band by Ron Nelson and James Barnes. Wendy Grice, soprano and adjunct instructor of music, will be vocal soloist for the concert.
The University Bands Program is supported by the Student Activity Association, the ESU Parent’s Association, the ESU Foundation and the ESU Alumni Association. Donations to the University Bands program will be accepted during the evening of the performance. For more information on the concert, please call the Fine and Performing Arts Events Line at 570-422-3483 or email