Dr. Kimberly S. Adams, Associate Professor of Political Science at ESU, Joins the National Governing Board of the National Social Science Association

Posted by: admin on April 10, 2012, No Comments
Dr. Kimberly S. Adams, associate professor of political science at East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania, has been appointed to serve as board member for the National Governing Board of the National Social Science Association (NSSA) effective April 2, 2012. Dr. Adams is one of approximately 40 individuals appointed to a two-year renewable term with NSSA, which is one of the largest interdisciplinary education associations in the United States. Adams became an official board member at the National Social Science Association’s “Technology and Social Science” Conference, which was held in Las Vegas, Nev., from April 1 to 3, 2012.
Adams was asked to join this organization based on her outstanding work inside and outside the classroom. As a member of this governing body, Adams will be required to attend the yearly national governing board meeting, serve on one board committee, and assist in the decision making process of the organization.
Adams received her bachelor of science and master of science degrees in political science at the University of Southern Mississippi and earned her doctorate in political science at the University of Mississippi. Adams’ research explores the agenda-setting behavior of non-traditional legislators (i.e. women and African-Americans). She has presented academic papers on women and politics at the state, national and international levels. She studied British law and politics at King’s College in London, England, has participated in the Salzburg Seminar in Salzburg, Austria, and at the Oxford Round Table in Oxford, England. Dr. Adams has published numerous articles during her career at ESU including: “The Naked Truth: The Media’s Role in Undermining Female Political Candidates,” “Moving Toward Gender Parity: Female Representation in National Legislatures, 2001 and 2011,” and “Rounding the Tables of Legislative Decision-Making: Explanations for the Increased Presence of Women in Sub-Saharan Politics.”
A longtime political activist and youth leader, Adams worked as an intern on Capitol Hill in two Congressional offices in the mid-1990s. She has participated in intensive campaign training seminars on women and politics and grassroots mobilization. She has served as a part-time, senior research and issues consultant for the Mississippi Policy Forum and is a veteran of numerous federal, state and local candidate and issue campaigns. In January 2010, she was named as a Martin Luther King Ambassador of Service by the Corporation for National and Community Service.
The National Social Science Association, founded in 1983, provides service training for social scientists nationwide through publications, conferences, and seminars. The national governing board of the association is the decision-making body of the organization; members of the board are among the leading social scientists in the United States. For more information about the National Social Science Association, visit its website at www.nssa.us/index.htm or contact Dr. Adams at 570-422-3924, or by email at ksadams@po-box.esu.edu.