East Stroudsburg University Equestrian Team Members Awarded

Posted by: Elizabeth Richardson on April 19, 2018, No Comments
Pictured, left to right: Madison Foreman, Ashley Rinkus, Madison McFarland, and Kylee Nicholas. Not pictured: Lacey Warner.
Seven members of East Stroudsburg University’s Equestrian team have been named to the All-American Academic team by the Intercollegiate Horse Shows Association.
Five students were named to the first team for Equestrians with a 3.8 grade point average or higher, and two students were named to the second team for Equestrians with a 3.5-3.8 grade point average.
The first team ESU Equestrians are Madison Foreman, Madison McFarland, Samantha Miller, Lacey Warner, and Kylee Nicholas. The second team ESU Equestrians are Amy Alderfer and Ashley Rinkus.