East Stroudsburg University Political Science Students Visit Washington, D.C.

Posted by: Elizabeth Richardson on November 23, 2016, No Comments
On Wednesday, November 16, Kimberly S. Adams, Ph.D., professor of political science, accompanied students from East Stroudsburg University’s political science club to Washington, D.C. Joining them on the trip were students from Dr. Adams’ graduate and undergraduate political communication classes. The trip served two purposes. It provided students the opportunity to interactively explore how digital and social media shaped the 2016 presidential election by visiting the Newseum’s exhibit “CNN Politics Campaign 2016: Like, Share, Elect.” They also visited the United States Capitol where they had guided tours of the Rotunda and Statuary Hall.
The students visited the House and Senate office buildings and personally asked for jobs, internships and tickets to the Inauguration. Students met with Representative Matt Cartwright’s (D-PA) chief of staff and dropped off resumes in the offices of Pennsylvania Senators Robert Casey Jr. (D) and Pat Toomey (R).
“The students met some politicians from other states as well,” Adams said. “While on the Hill, we ran into Representative Terri Sewell (D-AL) who represents Birmingham and Selma. I introduced her to the students as one of President and Michelle Obama’s younger classmates and friend at Harvard Law School. Rep. Sewell briefly spoke with and took pictures with ESU students.” The students saw minority leader Nancy Pelosi while they were in Statuary Hall, and several students met Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA), Hillary Clinton’s 2016 running mate.
The ESU students were fully engaged at the Newseum and made connections while networking at the Capitol that will help them with internship and job placements in the future.
For more information contact Adams. at 570-422-3924 or email ksadams@esu.edu.