East Stroudsburg University to Host Voces del Pueblo: A Public Meeting for Pocono Latino Agenda

Posted by: Elizabeth Richardson on October 22, 2024, No Comments
East Stroudsburg University will host Voces del Pueblo: A Public Meeting for Pocono Latino Agenda on Thursday, October 24, with the goal of engaging community members in developing a Latino agenda for the Pocono Mountains region. Dr. Damary Bonilla-Rodriguez & Dr. Adán Stevens-Diaz will lead the conversation in ESU’s Rosenkrans Learning Center from 5 – 7 p.m.
In November 2023, Federation of Latinos for Education about the Cultures of Hispanic America (FLECHA) held a public working session where several organizations and community members joined to discuss issues impacting Latinos in the Poconos such as lack of resources, lack of access to consistent public transportation which affects employment opportunities, and lack of affordable housing. While such issues can negatively impact people from any racial or ethnic background, Latinos face additional challenges related to language barriers and citizenship status. The goal of this series is to identify key issues and explore potential solutions, ultimately inspiring participants to become more civically engaged and promote community collaborations to proactively combat the issues.
The 2024 working session, which is open to the public at no cost, is hosted in partnership with MANA de ESU, Lambda Sigma Upsilon Latino Fraternity, Inc., Mu Sigma Upsilon Sorority, Inc., FLECHA, the Frederick Douglass Institute and Center for Multicultural Affairs and Inclusive Education.