ESU Administrators, Staff And Faculty Members Served Dinner to Students

Posted by: admin on April 7, 2014, No Comments
Thirty-six East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania employees served dinner to students on Wednesday, April 2, at Dansbury Commons, the university’s dining hall. Pictured here are Bob Moses, director of residence life and housing, football coach Denny Douds and his wife Judy Douds.
Thirty-six administrators, including President Marcia G. Welsh, Ph.D., and faculty and staff members and two spouses of coaches from East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania served dinner to students at Dansbury Commons, the dining hall on campus, Wednesday, April 2.
“This year’s event was quite successful, and we will plan it again for the fall,” said Nancy Weaver, Ph.D., assistant to the vice president for student affairs.