ESU Announces Grand Opening of Its Lehigh Valley Center, Accelerated Degree Completion Offerings

Posted by: admin on August 16, 2012, No Comments
East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania will host a Grand Opening of its Extended Learning Center in the Lehigh Valley at 10 a.m. on Friday, August 17. The Center, located at 60 West Broad Street in Bethlehem, Pa., will open this fall for people seeking to complete undergraduate degree programs or pursue graduate education for professional or personal advancement.
“The opening of our Lehigh Valley Center is an indication of a new direction being taken in higher education,” said Dr. Marcia G. Welsh, East Stroudsburg University president. “Like other colleges and universities, ESU intends to provide convenient, accessible, and affordable education alternatives to interested individuals with a busy lifestyle. It’s not about inviting students to campus anymore – it’s about taking the educational experience to them, where they live and work.”
According to Jennifer Serowick, director of extended learning at ESU, it’s important to know that the Lehigh Valley Center is unique in that it will not offer programs for students who wish to start a higher education degree program, but is instead a facility focused on offering degree completion programs for those who wish to complete a college education they began years ago or for transfer students. “The Lehigh Valley Center will be the first extended learning facility operated by ESU, modeled after the university’s first successful program in Center City Philadelphia,” said Serowick. “ESU’s Philadelphia program launched in January 2011 and now boasts two cohorts and nearly 40 students. The Lehigh Valley Center will enable ESU to offer accelerated degree programs in a delivery manner that will work for today’s busy students.”
ESU’s Lehigh Valley Center will initially offer undergraduate degree completion programs in the fields of computer security; hotel, restaurant and tourism management; and public health (with concentrations in health services administration or community health) based on a feasibility study conducted by MGT of America that predicted economic growth in these industries. A graduate degree program in reading with reading specialist certification will also be launched in January. Additional program offerings will be announced in the coming months.
Cohorts for each of the degree programs at the Lehigh Valley Center are scheduled to begin in October 2012, Serowick added. “ESU’s accelerated degree programs offer affordable tuition, financial aid for eligible students, and a cohort model in which faculty support a group of students to progress through the program together. Educational assignments and experiences geared towards adult learners also enable students to make use of the Lehigh Valley’s many resources.”
Dr. Marilyn Wells, vice provost and dean of ESU’s Graduate College, explained that ESU’s accelerated degree completion program is intended to lead students to a bachelor’s degree that, depending on the number of existing credits held by a student, can be finished within two years. Credits earned from other institutions and programs are easily transferred into one of the degree programs offered at ESU’s Lehigh Valley Center, where academic advisors will work with students to prepare an individual transfer credit evaluation so each prospective student will know exactly what he/she will need to graduate. Students could potentially take up to 30 credits per year. Programs are offered in various formats but all are on a set schedule for the duration of the program so students can arrange work and family responsibilities. Two courses (six credits total) will be offered during each eight- or nine-week session and typically meet two evenings per week and/or Saturdays. Courses are scheduled throughout the year to help students earn their bachelor’s degree within two years.
“Another great aspect of the Lehigh Valley Program is that there will be opportunities for East Stroudsburg University to become part of the local community,” said Dr.Van Reidhead, provost and vice president for academic affairs. “Our hope is that local businesses and organizations will take the opportunity to use ESU’s Lehigh Valley Center for meetings, seminars and workshops at a reasonable cost. Our location is prime real estate in Bethlehem– and it’s in a secure, accessible and comfortable environment.”
Those interested in applying for fall admission should apply as soon as possible by contacting ESU’s Office of Admission at 570-422-3542. Additional information may be found at or by calling ESU’s Office of Extended Learning toll-free at 1-877-422-1378.