ESU Brings Anti-Sexual Violence Activist to Campus Screening of The Hunting Ground

Posted by: Elizabeth Richardson on September 1, 2016, No Comments
On September 7 the East Stroudsburg University Office of Student Affairs, Title IX Oversight Committee will host a screening of “The Hunting Ground,” an exposé of rape crime on college campuses in America. The stories in the documentary are told through the first person testimonies of sexual assault survivors. They tell of their assault, and their troubling pursuit of justice.
The film will be shown at 6:00 p.m. in the Abeloff Center for the Performing Arts. Following the film there will be a question and answer session featuring Sofie Karasek. Karasek, who is featured in the documentary, is an anti-sexual violence activist and co-founder of End Rape on Campus. She spearheaded two 31-person federal complaints against the University of California, Berkeley. Karasek has been a leading advocate for California’s groundbreaking affirmative consent law and has been featured in national and international media.
Knowing the staggering national statistics, one in five college women is sexually assaulted, ESU is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy educational and work environment. In addition to screenings and discussions such as the one planned for September 7, the university provides programing throughout the academic year by peer educators about domestic and relationship violence and assault and being an active bystander.
For more information about Title IX contact ESU Vice President of Student Affairs and Title IX Coordinator Doreen Tobin, D.Ed., at 570-422-3463 or
There will be an opportunity for media interviews prior to the screening, beginning at 5:30 p.m.