ESU Business Accelerator Companies Win Competitions

Posted by: Elizabeth Richardson on May 18, 2018, No Comments
ESU students Zach Waldman and Nick Neely won first place at the second Lehigh Valley Collegiate Business Pitch Summit on April 26. Their company Falchion Systems is an endpoint cybersecurity organization that protects companies’ networks from social engineering attacks. The two computer science majors from Mechanicsburg, Pa., are taking poor user behavior out of the equation when it comes to computer security. With Falchion Systems’ software, Bulwark, even if a computer user downloads harmful malware, it won’t infect the operating system.
Waldman and Neely competed against finalists from Lehigh Carbon Community College, Northampton Community College, Lafayette College, Lehigh University and Muhlenberg College for the top prize of $2,000.
Joseph Sinclair, owner of Solid Dynamics, won first place in the non- collegiate division of this year’s TecBridge Business Plan Competition on April 25. Solid Dynamics, a rapid prototyping service provider, utilizes the latest techniques in manufacturing to design and produce quality products through the use of 3D Printing.
For the last three years Solid Dynamics has been involved with other companies within ESU’s Business Accelerator, and Sinclair opened his own office six months ago. “The mentorship and support we received from the ESU faculty operating the Business Accelerator as well as our fellow tenants, made our success possible,” Sinclair said.
Solid Dynamics was one of five businesses to compete in the non-collegiate division of this year’s competition.
To learn more about ESU’s business accelerator program contact Keith Modzelewski at 570-422-7953 or email