ESU Celebrates Women’s History Month

Posted by: admin on March 3, 2016, No Comments
East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania is celebrating Women’s History Month with a series of events, which begin on Wednesday, March 2. All activities listed below are open to the public at no cost unless otherwise stated. The schedule is subject to change. For more information on any of the events listed below, please contact Sharon Brown, coordinator of the ESU Women’s Center, at 570-422-3461.
Hip Hop and the Image of Women
March 2, 7 p.m., Women’s Center, 411 Normal Street
This program will explore the image of women in hip hop and rap music. The discussion will focus on misogyny and the exploitation, objectification and violence against women.
When Sex & Music Collide: Dreamworlds 3
March 3, 2016, 2 p.m., Beers Lecture Hall
Sex, desire and power are prevalent in music videos through song lyrics as well as visual displays of women and men. Join us for a viewing of Dreamworlds 3, a film that examines the image of masculinity and femininity as displayed in music. A short discussion will follow the film. Sponsored by Women’s Studies.
Iron Jawed Angels: The Fight to Win the Vote for Women
March 16, 2 p.m., Beers Lecture Hall
Join us for a film viewing of HBO’s Iron Jawed Angels. The film details the struggle of women working to win the right to vote. A short discussion will follow the film.
“She Kicks Like a Girl” Conversation about Women and Sports
March 24, 2016, 2 p.m., Beers Lecture Hall
What does it mean to say “She Kicks Like a Girl?” Join Paula Parker, Ed.D., chair and associate professor of sport management, and others across campus for a conversation about women and sport as we dive into the questions of gender, sport and the use of language as a means of separation between male and female athletes.
Empowering Women
Effective Communication in the Workplace
March 24, 6:30- 8 p.m., Sci Tech Auditorium
This is your chance to learn about communication in the workplace and professional development from speaker Sharone Glasco, director of workforce development at ESU.
Vagina Monologues
March 25 & 26, 8 p.m., 2 p.m., Abeloff Center for the Performing Arts
Admission to this event is $5.00 per person. All proceeds will benefit the Women’s Resources of Monroe County.
Dealing with the “F” Word: A book discussion of “We Should all be Feminists” by author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
March 28, 4 p.m., Women’s Center, 411 Normal Street
Those who are interested in participating in the book discussion can pick up a free copy of the book from Andi McClanahan, Ph.D., professor of communication studies, in Monroe Hall room 301 while supplies last. Books are available for purchase in the University Store.
Honest Conversations: Tell us How you Really Feel
March 31, 7 p.m., Women’s Center
We are wrapping up the month with honest conversations. All in attendance have the opportunity to speak the truth on their feelings and obstacles they have faced related to gender.