ESU Commemorates Inauguration of Thirteenth President, Marcia G. Welsh, Ph.D., with Week-Long Celebration of Events, Programs Featuring Student, Faculty Success

Posted by: admin on March 18, 2013, No Comments
East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania (ESU) will inaugurate Marcia G. Welsh, Ph.D., as its thirteenth president on April 6, 2013 following a week of special programs and activities to commemorate this historical event. Delegates representing more than 23 universities from around the country, as well as members of the campus and local communities and alumni will be in attendance at the formal ceremony.
Inauguration week festivities will begin on Monday, April 1, and many of the scheduled activities are open to the general public. The theme of Dr. Welsh’s inauguration is “Great Expectations,” which reflects the vision that she has for the many opportunities at ESU for growth, success and achievement. The events leading up to the inauguration support this framework and celebrate ESU student and faculty success. They include a grant symposium showcasing the work of two recent major grant recipients, panel discussions on collaborative university-community partnerships, musical and theatrical performances and an ESU Student Art Association art exhibit and awards ceremony, to name a few.
The Board of Governors for the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education appointed Welsh, the first female president of ESU, in April 2012. She assumed her role in July 2012 following the retirement of Robert J. Dillman, Ph.D., who had been president since 1996. The official installation of Dr. Welsh will take place on Saturday, April 6 at 10:00 a.m. in the Abeloff Center for the Performing Arts at ESU.
All inauguration activities listed below are open to the general public at no cost unless otherwise stated. The schedule is subject to change as more events are added. To see the full listing of events, please visit
Monday April 1, 2013
Wellness Walk
12 – 1 p.m., Eiler-Martin Stadium
Please join President Welsh and the WellU committee in taking steps to promote wellness initiatives with a walk through campus. The event will begin at the College Circle by Stroud Hall and proceed to the Eiler-Martin football stadium. Water bottles will be distributed as supplies last. Light refreshments will be served.
Engaged Scholarship: Bringing the Classroom to the Community
2 – 4 p.m., Lower Dansbury
The ESU Service-Learning Initiative Committee will showcase engaged scholarship in an interactive panel discussion. Panelists will include faculty, students and community partners who have worked collaboratively on service-learning projects. They will share with the audience the benefits of service-learning and how it advances collaborative university-community partnerships, knowledge acquisition, civic engagement and scholarship. Light refreshments will be served.
Greater Pocono Chamber of Commerce Business Card Exchange
5:30 – 7:30 p.m., Innovation Center
Sponsored by East Stroudsburg University in celebration of the inauguration of Dr. Welsh, this event is free for Chamber members and $30 for non-members. For directions, please call 570-422-7920. For reservations, please contact the Chamber of Commerce at 570-421-4433.
Tuesday, April 2
Women’s Lacrosse Game vs. West Chester
4 p.m., Whitenight Field
Cheer on the Lady Warriors as they take on the West Chester Golden Rams. Lacrosse games are typically free of charge to the public but this is subject to change. For more information, please contact Greg Knowlden at 570-422-3312 or at
Liztech Pin Reveal
5 – 7 p.m., The Gallery at Liztech
All community and ESU community members are invited to join Dr. Welsh in the unveiling of the official ESU Presidential Inauguration Pin. This event is sponsored by the ESU Foundation. Light refreshments will be served. For more information about this event, contact the gallery at 570-424-5681.
FDR Major Grant Symposium
7 – 9 p.m., Lower Dansbury
The ESU Faculty Development and Research (FDR) Committee is hosting a Major Grant Symposium showcasing the work of two recent Major Grant recipients. Major Grants are funded through the Office of the Provost, and each recipient will overview their projects and share how these awards have assisted in their development as a faculty member at ESU. There will be time for discussion as well as refreshments.
Fashion Your Future!
7 – 9 p.m., Keystone Room
Students and faculty members will be on the runway modeling business attire. Come for the fashion show and stay for the food! See how you can be stylin’ for the interview and career of your dreams. The fashion show will provide music, entertainment, prizes and more.
Wednesday April 3, 2013
Baseball Game vs. Philadelphia University
3 p.m., Mitterling Field
The Warriors will welcome the Rams of Philadelphia University to Mitterling Field for an afternoon game. Cheer on the Warriors, who currently have the most wins in school history. Admission is free to the public.
Art Association Exhibit, Reception, and Award Ceremony
4 – 6 p.m., Madelon Powers Gallery
The ESU Student Art Association will present its annual art exhibit and awards ceremony in the Madelon Powers Art Gallery in the Fine and Performing Arts Center. ESU students have submitted work in all media to compete for awards in several categories, including Best in Show. For more information on the exhibit or reception, contact the Fine and Performing Arts Events Line at 570-422-3483.
East Meets West: Our Bridge to Shanghai
6 p.m., Dale Snow Theatre
The ESU Theater Department will demonstrate musical and theatrical performances in the Dale Snow Theater located in the Fine and Performing Arts Center. They will be joined by students of the Xie Jin Film and Television Arts College of Shanghai Normal University. This event will showcase performance traditions from both the East and West. Light refreshments will be served.
Sterling Strauser Gallery Opening
6 – 8 p.m., Innovation Center
The Sterling Strauser Gallery is located at in East Stroudsburg University’s Innovation Center at 562 Independence Road. This gallery features the works of artist Sterling Strauser who lived and painted in East Stroudsburg from 1928 to 1995. The Gallery was made possible thanks to a generous donation of 114 of Strauser’s paintings by Grey and Linda Carter and family of McLean, Va. For more information and directions, please contact ESU’s Division of Research and Economic Development at 570-422-7920. Admission is free.
Thursday April 4, 2013
Student Research and Scholarly Activities Symposium
10 a.m. – 4 p.m., Science and Technology Center & Abeloff Center for the Performing Arts
ESU is pleased to launch its first annual day of presentations and speakers showcasing student research and scholarly activities. Presentations will be in various locations in the Warren E. ’55 and Sandra Hoeffner Science and Technology Center throughout the day and will culminate with a speaker in the Abeloff Center for the Performing Arts in the evening.
Great Expectations of Social Media: Is it Really Moving Us Forward?
4 – 6 p.m., Lower Dansbury
During this presentation, panelists will explore issues of social media use related to traditional media use, the perception and reality of the power of social media, the rapid pace in which false information moves through the social media world, and how individuals make social media messages go viral. Light refreshments will be served.
Friday April 5, 2013
Women’s Lacrosse Game vs. Lock Haven
3 p.m., Whitenight Field
The Lady Warriors will challenge the Lock Haven Bald Eagles in this PSAC conference matchup. Come cheer on the black and white at Whitenight Field. Lacrosse games are typically free of charge to the public but this is subject to change. For more information, please contact Greg Knowlden at 570-422-3312 or at
Planetarium Show
7:00 p.m., Warren E. ’55 and Sandra Hoeffner Science and Technology Center
The McMunn Planetarium will offer a planetarium show located in the Warren E. ’55 and Sandra Hoeffner Science and Technology Center. The sky show is entitled “The Stars of Spring” which describes what can be seen in the heavens during the spring months. The feature show is called “Passport to the Universe” and is narrated by two-time Academy Award winner Tom Hanks. This show is open to the public, but reservations are required due to limited seating. To reserve a seat online, please visit Reservations will be taken online starting at 8:00 a.m. on April 1. For more information, please contact the McMunn Planetarium at
Saturday April 6, 2013
12 p.m., Keystone Room
R.S.V.P. required for this event. For more information, please contact Marcy Cetnar at
Baseball Game vs. Mansfield
1 p.m., Mitterling Field
A Warrior double-header with the Millersville Mountaineers will begin at 1 p.m. with a second game beginning at 3:30. This afternoon at the ballpark is free to the public.
Women’s Lacrosse Game vs. Indiana University of Pennsylvania
1 p.m., Whitenight Field
The IUP Crimson Hawks will travel to ESU for this spring game. Show your Warrior pride and support women’s lacrosse following the inauguration reception. Lacrosse games are typically free of charge to the public but this is subject to change. For more information, please contact Greg Knowlden at 570-422-3312 or at
For additional information about inauguration activities and full list of events, visit or contact Marcy Cetnar at 570-422-3545 or at