ESU Commuter Students Return to Campus for the Start of the Fall Semester

Posted by: admin on August 27, 2013, No Comments
East Stroudsburg University junior Justin Amann, president of Student Senate, and Marcia G. Welsh, Ph.D., president of the university, welcomed commuter students back to campus on Monday morning, August 26.
Thirty faculty and staff members volunteered to distribute healthy snacks and other novelties in the various commuter student parking lots.
Approximately 3,989 students commute to ESU each day, making up more than 60 percent of the undergraduate student population.
The Welcome Back Fall 2013 Meet and Greet program continues Tuesday in an effort to help ESU’s commuting population feel part of the campus community.
For more information about the Welcome Back program, please contact Michael Sachs, assistant vice president for student affairs, at 570-422-3798.