ESU Faculty and Staff Recognized for Service

Posted by: admin on April 1, 2015, No Comments
East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania honored 125 employees for their years of service and dedication to the mission of the university during the annual ESU Faculty and Staff Recognition Ceremony on Wednesday, April 1.
ESU faculty and staff who were recognized for service included:
45 years of service: Robert Schramm, distinguished professor, chemistry; Wendy Smith, secretary, facilities management.
35 years of service: Leslie Berger, assistant professor, library; Elizabeth Buzzelli-Clarke, department chair and associate professor, music; Bradford Seid, professor, recreation services management; Nancy Weaver, assistant to the vice president, student affairs; and Pasquale Fazio, grants accountant, business office.
30 years of service: Robert Ackerman, professor, speech-language pathology; Allan Benn, distinguished professor, English; John Bixler, building maintenance, facilities management; Curtiss Burton, communication operation specialist, instructional resources; Donald Cummings, professor, exercise science; Kathleen Curnoles, secretary, chemistry; Michael DeCosmo, associate professor, economics; William Gontz, network / email support, computing and communication services; Joseph Koch, men’s coach, track & field / cross country; athletics; Paul Lippert, professor, communication studies; Stephen Martz, library assistant, Kemp Library; Sandra Miller, field hockey coach, athletics; Albert Moranville, associate professor and department chair, hotel, restaurant and tourism management; Patricia Pinciotti, professor, early childhood & elementary education; and Elaine Shuey, professor and department chair, speech-language pathology.
25 years of service: Jonathan Ackerman, police officer, university police; Todd Behr, associate professor, economics; Debra Boushell, secretary, sociology, social work & criminal justice; David Buckley, professor, physics; Joan Devizia, custodial worker, facilities; Michael Doherty, professor, chemistry; Pamela Gallina, secretary, speech-language pathology; Caroline Kuchinski, professor, physical education teacher certification; Terry Master, professor, biological sciences; Joseph Miele, professor, psychology; Carol Miller, assistant professor, hotel, restaurant, and tourism management; Rhonda Ray, professor, English; Sharmaine Robinson, professor, chemistry; Jack Truschel, professor, department chair, academic enrichment & learning; Nancy VanArsdale, professor, English; Linda VanMeter, director and department chair, accessible services individualized for students; and Andrzej Zarach, professor, mathematics.
20 years of service: John Abbruzzese, associate professor, director and chair, counseling & psychological services; Julianne Albiero-Walton, professor, academic enrichment & learning; Alan Angulo, UNIX & server support, computing & communication services; James Capozzolo, communication operation specialist, instructional resources; Robert Cohen, professor and department chair, physics; Robert D’Aversa, chief information officer, computing & communication services; Domenic Dellipriscoli, assistant professor and department chair, history; Linda Fehervari, secretary, hotel, restaurant and tourism management; Robert Fleischman, dean, college of business and management; Marilyn Galasso, student employment payroll, human resources; Glenn Geiser-Getz, professor, communication studies; Jon Gold, professor, chemistry; Susan Harlan, professor, early childhood & elementary education; Michael Harper, custodial worker, facilities management; Janine Hyde-Broderick, assistant director, Upward Bound; Patricia Kashner, assistant to the vice president, student affairs; David Larrabee, professor, physics; Richard Madigan, associate professor, English; Kenneth Mash, distinguished professor, political science; Joni Oye-Benintende, associate professor and chair of art + design; Jacqueline Palumbo, support services, computing & communication services; Lisa Pizzuto, swim coach, athletics; Phyllis Swinson, senior associate director, student enrollment center; Keith Vanic, associate professor, athletic training; and Tracy Whitford, assistant professor, biological sciences.
15 years of service: Margaret Ball, associate professor and department chair, theatre; Paul Bartoli, professor, psychology; Alberto Cardelle, dean, college of health sciences; Kevin Casebolt, professor, athletic training; John Elwood, associate professor, physics; Jie Gong, administrative systems support, computing & communication services; Sarah Goodrich, coordinator, conference services; Teresa Jones-Wilson, associate professor, chemistry; Richard Kelly, professor, chemistry; Haklin Kimm, professor, computer science; Walter Lukow, associate director, admissions; Margaret McCann, nurse supervisor, university health services; Jeffrey Ruth, professor, modern languages; Helen Seidof, custodial supervisor, facilities management; Alan Shaffer, associate professor, chemistry; Lee Sidlosky, equipment operator, facilities management; Kathleen Sluslaw, nurse, university health services; Bruce Vandermark, foreman, labor crew, facilities management; William Werkheiser, custodial worker, facilities management; Gene White, professor and department chair, physical education teacher certification; Martin Wilson, assistant professor, history; and Paul Wilson, assistant professor, biological sciences.
10 years of service: Christine Brett, associate professor, physical education teacher certification; Olivia Carducci, associate professor, mathematics; Zerelene Chester, admissions counselor, admissions; Sam Clark, custodial worker, facilities management; Jennifer Corcoran, secretary, university police; Thomas Counterman, custodial worker, facilities management; Marianne Cutler, associate professor, sociology; Scott Dietrich, assistant professor, athletic training; Caroline DiPipi-Hoy, associate professor, special education & rehabilitation; Richard Donnelly, assistant professor, hotel, restaurant and tourism management; Sandra Eckard, associate professor, English; Leif Johan Eliasson, associate professor, political science; Darlene Farris, associate professor, art + design; Paula Parker Fordyce, assistant professor, sport management; John Freeman, assistant professor, chemistry; Heather Garrison, associate professor, special education & rehabilitation; Melissa Geiger, associate professor, art + design; Thomas Gioglio, director, athletics; Beverlyn Grace-Odeleye, assistant professor, academic enrichment & learning; Shixiong Hu, professor, department chair, geography; Jonathan Keiter, assistant professor, mathematics; Patricia Kennedy, associate professor, communication studies; John Kochmansky, baseball coach, athletics; Evelyn Kotara, custodial worker, facilities managemenet; John Kraybill-Greggo, associate professor and department chair, sociology, social work & criminal justice; Cynthia Leenerts, associate professor, English; Robert Marmelstein, professor, computer science; Danelle McClanahan, director of diversity/ombudsperson, diversity & equal opportunity; Linda Miller, secretary, philosophy/religious studies; Gavin Moir, associate professor, exercise science; Shawn Munford, assistant professor, exercise science; Mary Jane O’Merle, instructor, health studies, Shokrollah Pazaki, professor, sociology, social work & criminal justice; Shannon Smith, executive staff assistant, student affairs; Beth Sockman associate professor, digital media technologies; Jeffery Weber, associate dean, college of arts & sciences; Wendy Wheeler Dietrich, assistant professor, athletic training; Jennifer White, associate professor, biological sciences; and Terry Wilson, associate professor, business management
Additionally, ESU’s “Burgy’s Best” Recognition Program” is in its third year. This program serves to highlight the excellence that exists in all areas and job functions across the institution. ESU employees who created a positive, caring and productive school/work environment through exceptional effort, dedication, or performance in their area of responsibility were honored. All East Stroudsburg University employees as well as employees of university-affiliated organizations (Student Activity Association and the ESU Foundation) were eligible to be nominated by ESU employees or students. Out of 111 nominees, four received “Burgy’s Best” award. The five recipients include: Dianne Devlin, compliance & enrollment specialist, student enrollment center; Edwin Ortega, custodial worker, facilities management; Mary Rodriguez, library assistant – curriculum, Kemp Library; Andrew Whitehead, associate professor and department chair, early childhood & elementary education.
For more information, contact Jessica Diaz at (570) 422-3422 or email