ESU Faculty and Staff Recognized for Years of Service

Posted by: Elizabeth Richardson on April 19, 2018, No Comments
East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania honored 127 employees for their service and dedication during the annual Employee Recognition Ceremony on April 16. Employee service ranges from 10 to 40 years.
“It is great to see such a nice cross-section of campus represented during this year’s recognition ceremony,” said ESU President Marcia G. Welsh, Ph.D. “Some of this year’s honorees teach in the broad range of disciplines across the curriculum, while others provide administrative support services or student services, make sure this campus is in pristine condition or serve the campus by keeping our technology running smoothly. The work by all of these individuals is important for both recruiting and retaining our students and in successfully fulfilling the university’s mission.”
ESU honorees include:
40 Years of Service: Elaine Rogers, hospitality, recreation & tourism management
35 Years of Service: Kathleen Adams, Kemp Library
30 Years of Service: Henry Fremount, building maintenance; Patricia Hannon, nursing; Robin Hartshorn, university police; Scott Heinrich, facilities management; Leona Hughes, Kemp Library; Anne Kocik-Gunther, building care services; James Lockard, computing & communication services; Mary Ann Matras, mathematics; Maureen McLaughlin, reading; Ann Millett, communication sciences and disorders; June Pepe, records and registration; Carey Snyder, intercollegiate athletics; Anthony Thomas, building care services; and Charles Warner, communication.
25 Years of Service: Robert Adams, building care services; Teri Burcroff, special education and rehabilitation and human services; Elizabeth Gibbons, physical education teacher certification; Maryanne Kash, upward bound; Gabriel Kolcun, building care services; Pattabiraman Neelakantan, political science and economics; Joan Rue, digital media technologies; Victor Ruiz, university police; Gina Scala, special education and rehabilitation and human services; Luz Uran, building care services; Martin Weatherston, philosophy/religious studies; Craig Wilson, early childhood and elementary education; Jeffrey Wilson, coach; and Wenjie Yan, communication.
20 Years of Service: Mary Beth Allen, reading; Christina Brecht, health studies; David Campbell, residence life and housing; Domenico Cavaiuolo, special education and rehabilitation and human services; Kathleen Duguay, English; Gregory Dwyer, exercise science; Wayne Frisbie, digital media technologies; Gail Haight, building care services; Jeffrey Hardy, history and geography; Laurie Klingel, residence life and housing; Douglas Lare, professional and secondary education; Donna Leitner, counseling and psychological services; Peter Pruim, modern languages, philosophy and religion; Samuel Quainoo, political science and economics; Kimberley Razzano, health studies; Michael Santella, coach; Alan Semon; computing & communication services; John S. Smith, biological sciences; Kim Wachelka, college of health sciences; Kelly Weaber, residence life and housing; and Brenda Wilkins, computing & communication services.
15 Years of Service: Miguel Barbosa, office of the president; Yevgeniy Galperin, mathematics; Marcia Gasper, nursing; Michael Gray, history & geography; Bonnie Green, psychology; T. Storm Heter, modern languages, philosophy and religion; Christine Langlois, facilities management; Andrea McClanahan, communication; Albert McCormick, coach; Deborah Morgan, business office; Reto Muller, sociology, social work & criminal justice; Susan Prutzman, college of arts & sciences; Alison Rutter, early childhood & elementary education; Marc Shaffer, business office; Donna Shepherd, university health services; Steven Shive, health studies; Matthew Simmons, residence life & housing; Leigh Smith, English; Matthew Wallace, biological sciences; Howard Whidden, biological sciences; Andrew Whitehead, early childhood & elementary education; Lisa Williams, building care services; and Jennifer Young, office of accessible services individualized for students.
10 Years of Service: Mary Amador, admissions office; David Barnes, computing & communication services; LuAnn Batson-Magnuson, communication sciences and disorders; Nurun Begum, early childhood & elementary education; Barry Boushell, sociology, social work & criminal justice; Kelly Boyd, health studies; Christopher Brooks, history & geography; Shanece Bryant, student enrollment center; Robert Butch; building maintenance; Marina Cameron, communication; Marcy Cetnar, office of the president; Dongsheng Che, computer science; Laurene Clossey, sociology, social work & criminal justice; Valerie Cochran, building care services; Timothy Connolly, modern languages, philosophy and religion; Robyn Coscia, exercise science; Deborah Couchman, computer science; Paul Creamer, modern languages, philosophy and religion; Esther Daganzo-Cantens, modern languages, philosophy and religion; Mary Davis, university relations; Susan Dillmuth-Miller, communication sciences and disorders; Clinton Doll, campus care; Shannon Frystak, history & geography; Michael Galasso, building maintenance; Francisca Gavilanes, college of education; Christine Getz, mathematics; Sheila Handy, business management; Christine Hofmeister, computer science; Jeffrey Hotz, English; Yi-Hui Huang, digital media technologies; Luis Huerta, building maintenance; Mihye Jeong, physical education teacher certification; Michael Jochen, computer science; Joseline Kraemer, institutional effectiveness, planning, and assessment; Eun-Joo Lee, computer science; Rosita Matos, building care services; Sandra Mendez-Collazo, building care services; Ko Mishima, political science; Kizzy Morris, student enrollment center; Darleen Mostellar, college of business management; Tonderlera Ohaeri, graduate & extended studies; Karl Olsommer, campus care; Antonio Orlando; facilities management; Richard Otto, digital media technologies; David Primus, building care services; Kevin Quintero, graduate & extended studies; Dorothy Rarick, building care services; Yoshinori Tanokura, theatre; Thomas Tauer, biological sciences; Kathryn Valentine, transfer services; Linda Vandermark, building care services; Carol Walker, digital media technologies; and Daria Wielebinski, career development.
Other Awards
President Welsh also took the opportunity to present the “ESyoU” Honoree of the Year award. This year’s honor was bestowed on one of eight candidates who were nominated by faculty, staff and students to be recognized throughout the 2017-2018 academic year for demonstrating student-centered service. The 2018 ESyoU award was presented to Shawn Munford, Ph.D., exercise science. Other ESyoU honorees were: Douglas Lare, Ed.D., professional and secondary education; Kizzy Morris, student enrollment center; T. Storm Heter, Ph.D., modern languages, philosophy and religion; Kelly McKenzie, Ed.D., academic enrichment and learning; Lurine Allotey, multicultural affairs; Marianne Cutler, Ph.D., sociology, social work & criminal justice; and Mike Santella, coach.