ESU Faculty and Staff Recognized for Years of Service

Posted by: Elizabeth Richardson on October 27, 2022, No Comments
East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania honored 95 employees for their service and dedication during the annual Employee Recognition Ceremony on October 24. Employee service ranges from 10 to 50 years.
“It is great to see such a nice cross-section of campus represented during this year’s recognition ceremony,” said ESU Interim President Kenneth Long. “Some of this year’s honorees teach in the broad range of disciplines across the curriculum, while others provide administrative support services or student services, make sure this campus is in pristine condition or serve the campus by keeping our technology running smoothly. The work by all of these individuals is important for both recruiting and retaining our students and in successfully fulfilling the university’s mission.”
ESU honorees include:
55 Years of Service: Denny Douds, sport management
35 Years of Service: Anthony Drago, psychology; Henry Fremount, building maintenance; Scott Heinrich, facilities management; Michelle Keiper, president’s office; Nancy Palumbo, building care services; and June Pepe, records & registration.
30 Years of Service: Pattabiraman Neelakantan, political science & economics; Gina Scala, special education & rehabilitation; and Craig Wilson, early childhood & elementary education.
25 Years of Service: Abdalla Aldras, biological sciences; Mary Beth Allen, reading; Christina Brecht, health studies; George Butts, building maintenance; Kathy Perrine, psychology; Samuel Quainoo, political science & economics; Kimberly Razzano, health studies; Alan Semon, computing & communication services; Stephen Strunk, campus care; and Brenda Wilkins, computing & communication services.
20 Years of Service: Miguel Barbosa, president’s office; Renee Boburka, psychology; Donna Bulzoni, business office; Colleen Dudzinski, athletics; Maria Kitchens–Kintz, college of arts & sciences; Albert McCormick, athletics; Reto Muller, sociology, social work & criminal justice; Donna Shepherd, health & wellness; Matthew Simmons, academic success; Elizabeth Leigh Smith, English; Howard Whidden, biological sciences; Lisa Williams, building care services; Jennifer Young, counseling & psychological services.
15 Years of Service: Kimberly Adams, political science & economics; Alberto Alegre, early childhood & elementary education; Mary Amador, institutional effectiveness, planning, and assessment; David Barnes, computing & communication services; LuAnn Batson Magnuson, communication sciences and disorders; Nurun Begum, early childhood & elementary education; Robert Berkowitz, athletics; Scott Bighum, Aramark; Nanette Biljak, building care services; John Bloshinski, facilities management; Kelly Boyd, health studies; Christopher Brooks, history & geography; William Broun, English; Shanece Bryant, student enrollment center; Marina Cameron, communication; Jyh–Hann Chang, psychology; Laurene Clossey, sociology, social work & criminal justice; Tim Connelly, modern languages, philosophy and religion; Robyn Coscia, exercise science; Clinton Doll, campus care; Shannon Frystak, history & geography; Laura Fuentes, field experience & partnerships; Michael Galasso, building maintenance; Jacqueline Gardner, building care services; Christine Getz, mathematics; Selena Hines, campus life & inclusive excellence; Christine Hofmeister, computer science; Jeffrey Hotz, English; Chin Hu, sociology, social work & criminal justice; James Hunt, biological sciences; Mike Jochen, computer science; Irina Khusid, psychology; Gregory Knowlden, marketing & communications; John Kochmansky, athletics; Matthias Lee, building care services; Rosita Matos, building care services; Ko Mishima, political science & economics; Darleen Mostellar, college of business and management; Matthew Pierson, instructional resources; David Primus, building care services; Denise Puccetti, Aramark; Cornelia Sewell-Allen, counseling & psychological services; Sandy Shaika, health & wellness; Sharon Wary, student activity association; and Cem Zeytinoglu, communication.
10 Years of Service: Agnieszka Brannan, student enrollment center; Susan Bush, Aramark; Eugene Celli, student enrollment center; Cheyenne Diaz, Aramark; Erica Dymond, English; Robert Edinger, university police & safety; Christopher Harrison, building maintenance; Carrie Maloney, sociology, social work & criminal justice; Jamie O’Brien, computing & communication services; Karen Raptakis, business management; David Rogers, building care services; Millie S. Roman–Buday, admissions; Jessica Santiago, academic success; Vaska Smith, mathematics; Ayda N. Trilleras-Devia, building care services; Carol Walker, digital media technologies; and Dawn Vigilante Wolfe, enrollment management.