ESU Faculty Members, Graduates, and Student Participate in Three-Day Bicycle Ride from Harrisburg to Washington, D.C.

Posted by: admin on June 24, 2013, One Comment
Last year’s participants in “Capital to Capitol – ONE Ride 2012” finished in Washington, D.C. after the 157-mile bicycle ride from Harrisburg, Pa.
Two East Stroudsburg University faculty members, two ESU graduates, and one ESU student will be among 35 participants in “Capital to Capitol – ONE Ride,” a three-day bicycle trip from Harrisburg, Pa. to Washington, D.C. from June 26 through June 28, 2013. This event, now in its second year, is sponsored by the Pennsylvania State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (PSAHPERD). ESU faculty members participating in the ride are Kimberley Razzano, Ph.D., associate professor of health studies and past president of PSAHPERD, and Kelly Boyd, Ph.D., assistant professor of health studies and project director for ONE Ride. Also participating in this 157-mile bike ride are ESU health and physical education major Nick Pirrocco from Mt.Pocono, and 2012 health and physical education graduates Anthony Pirrocco from Mt.Pocono and Kaley Rode from Stroudsburg. All three students participated in the ride last year.
The purpose of “Capital to Capitol – ONE Ride” is to raise awareness about the impact childhood obesity has on wellness, and to advocate for legislation to stop cutting health and physical education funding at the K-12 level. Each registered rider was required to raise $400 in order to participate, and each support crew member was required to raise $250. Donations are still being accepted. Please make checks payable to PSAHPERD and send to Dr. Kimberley Razzano at 114 Hollow Drive, Stroudsburg, Pa., 18360. ONE Ride is expected to raise money toward obesity prevention programs and the development of lifelong wellness through healthy eating and physical activity.
For more information about PSAHPERD, please visit For more information about the ride, please contact Dr. Razzano at 570-994-2171 or
Kelly Boyd
Posted June 30, 2013 at 10:07 PM
Dr. Kim Razzano and Dr. Kelly Boyd created the advocacy project from the “ground up” and oversee all of the details required to run the project. Dr. Razzano is the Director of Sponsorships and Advocacy for the ONE Ride. And, Dr. Boyd is the Project Director. In addition, Dr. Kevin Casebolt participated as a cyclist this year. And, Nick Pirrocco, still a student at ESU in the Health Education and Physical Education programs, volunteers his time and efforts to serve as support crew. The ONE Ride this year also had seven cyclists who are ESU alumni and three support crew members who also are ESU alumni. In total, there were fourteen people who either served as directors, cyclists, or support crew that were affiliated with East Stroudsburg University.