East Stroudsburg University Faculty and Students attended the 2017 Leon Silverman Lecture Series

Posted by: Elizabeth Richardson on December 4, 2017, No Comments
Christopher Brooks, Dr. phil., associate professor of history, attended the 2017 Leon Silverman Lecture Series in Washington, D.C. with three East Stroudsburg University students.
The lecture titled “Attorney General Robert H. Jackson and President Roosevelt” was delivered by Professor John Q. Barrett of St. John’s University School of Law.
Barrett was introduced by John Roberts, Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court.
The subject of the lecture, Justice Jackson, had been the head prosecutor at the Nuremberg trials, the proceedings that addressed Nazi war crimes after WWII. ESU students in attendance were Matthew Deegan, a senior majoring in political science from Langhorne, Pa., Devin Heffernan, a senior majoring in history from Clifton, N.J., and Patrycja Pietek, a senior majoring in biology from Wind Gap, Pa.