ESU Greek Community Assists with Borough’s Spring Clean-Up

Posted by: admin on April 11, 2016, No Comments
More than 200 students from East Stroudsburg University’s Greek organizations joined members of the local community in a day of spring clean-up on Sunday, April 3.
Members of Kappa Delta Rho, Alpha Sigma Tau (photo 1) and Theta Chi participated as a way to promote ESU’s Global Week activities and to provide service to the borough of East Stroudsburg. Students opted to clean areas that are routine pathways to and from campus for University students, faculty and staff including Analomink Street, Crystal Street, Prospect Street, Ransberry Avenue, the area near the inter-borough bridge, and East Brown Street to University Ridge Apartments.
The Eastburg Community Alliance (ECA) sponsors several clean-up days throughout the year as part of The Great American Clean Up and Keep PA Beautiful initiative.