ESU Greeks Adopt Project Turkey to Help Fund Thanksgiving Turkeys for Local Community

Posted by: Elizabeth Richardson on November 15, 2018, No Comments
For the fourth consecutive year, ESU students in Greek organizations have adopted Project Turkey, a fundraising initiative to provide Thanksgiving turkeys for community members in need. The service initiative launched in 2015 with ESU’s Greek organizations, and Linda Van Meter, Ph.D., director of counseling and psychological services in conjunction with the Salvation Army. Last year the Project Turkey exceeded their goal and raised $9,200 to provide Thanksgiving turkeys to families in need in Monroe County. Project Turkey also receives donations at the Salvation Army Harvest Fair, turkeys from Aramark, and a dress down day for East Stroudsburg School District providing a major donation. The ESU students were able to raise close to $2,000.00 in donations for Project Turkey last year by bagging groceries at Shoprite and fundraising through Texas Roadhouse.
Since participating in last year’s successful fundraising campaign, sororities and fraternities once again selected Project Turkey as their philanthropic initiative. ESU students will also help give out turkeys to families on distribution day. Each year the Salvation Army secures a competitive price for turkeys, and with the success of Project Turkey have been able to fund Thanksgiving turkeys for over 650 families to help them celebrate. This partnership with the Salvation Army East Stroudsburg Corps is a united effort for ESU Greek organizations to have a positive impact on the community in a very meaningful way and to raise awareness about issues of food insecurity for local families.
Hannah Moran, a senior from Dickson City, Pa majoring in criminal justice and sociology, has taken a leadership role in Project Turkey as the Panhellenic Community Service and Philanthropy Chair. She has coordinated volunteers for bagging groceries at the Stroudsburg Shoprite the weekend prior to Thanksgiving, Saturday, November 17 and Sunday November 18, 2018.
“It is important that ESU Greek organizations are a part of this effort every year because our focus as a whole is aimed towards community service and philanthropy,” said Moran. “We are devoted to giving back and serving the community on our campus and outside of the university to the best of your ability! Community service like this shows that Greek life here at ESU is different than the negative societal stigmas attached to fraternities and sororities. It is also a rewarding experience to give back to those in need, and help families enjoy the holiday season.”
“Project Turkey is an opportunity for ESU students to make a difference in the community, and to raise awareness about food insecurity and hunger in our local and surrounding communities. Students participate in a united goal that is meaningful to both the students and the families receiving the turkey” said Dr. Van Meter.
The Salvation Army and Project Turkey will be accepting donations throughout November. For more information, please contact Van Meter at 570-422-3277 or, Moran at, or Cari Friend at the Salvation Army, 570-421-3050 or