ESU Greeks Launch Project Turkey

Posted by: Elizabeth Richardson on November 16, 2016, No Comments
Photo Caption: Members of ESU’s sororities and fraternities help distribute turkeys during last year’s Project Turkey fundraiser. The service initiative is back for a second year.
Project Turkey is underway on the campus of East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania. The service initiative launched in 2015 with ESU’s Greek organizations and Linda Van Meter, Ph.D., director of counseling and psychological services. Last year Project Turkey exceeded their goal and raised $8,200 to provide Thanksgiving turkeys to families in need in Monroe County. On the heels of last year’s successful fundraising campaign, sororities and fraternities once again selected Project Turkey as their philanthropic initiative. Since this year the Salvation Army was able to secure a competitive price for turkeys, Project Turkey set a goal of $5,000. This partnership with the Salvation Army East Stroudsburg Corps is a united effort for ESU Greek organizations to have a positive impact on the community and to raise awareness about issues of hunger for local families.
Madeline Warren, president of the ESU Panhellenic council and a Sigma Sigma Sigma sister, and Kristy Vancosky, president of Alpha Sigma Tau, have taken leadership roles in Project Turkey. Jessica Lineman, president of Lambda Iota, established an online donation site ( for easy access to make a contribution.
“Project Turkey is important for the community, because it makes the dream of a Thanksgiving table full of food a reality for about 700 families in need,” said Warren. “This project is huge for the Greek organizations because it allows us to put our name on something positive, something powerful, and something we can be proud of.”
Fundraising activities will include collecting donations at ESU home basketball games on November 19, 20 and 28, bagging groceries at the ShopRite in Stroudsburg on November 19 and 20, and seeking donations from the ESU community.
“Project Turkey not only raises awareness about issues concerning hunger and food insecurity in our local and surrounding communities, it is an opportunity for ESU students to make a difference in the community” said Dr. Van Meter.
The Salvation Army and Project Turkey will be distributing turkeys at the Salvation Army this Thursday, November 17 from 9 a.m. – 12 noon. For more information, please contact Van Meter at 570-422-3277 or, Warren at, or Cari Friend at the Salvation Army, 570-421-3050 or