ESU Hosts 19th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Breakfast

Posted by: admin on January 22, 2016, No Comments
East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania celebrated its 19th annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Breakfast on Monday, January 18. Joetta Clark Diggs, four-time Olympian, author and businesswoman, was the keynote speaker for this event. The recipients of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Awards and the Gertrude Mary Smith Boddie Scholarships and the winners of the Julianna V. Bolt Art Contest were announced at the breakfast.
The Martin Luther King Junior award recipients were Drew Johnson, a senior majoring in communication studies from Philadelphia, Pa., Alberto Cardelle, Ph.D., dean of the College of Health Sciences, Sharone Glasco, director of workforce development at ESU, and Sharon Laverdure, East Stroudsburg Area School District superintendent of schools.
Top photo from left to right are the Boddie Scholarship winners: Saraiyah Monique Zigler, a junior majoring in social work from Newark, N.J., Cornelia Sewell-Allen, director of multicultural affairs, Janet Sue Jin Ro, a junior majoring in nursing from East Stroudsburg, Pa., and Layla Irby, a sophomore majoring in hotel, restaurant and tourism management and Spanish from Bethlehem, Pa.
From left to right are the Julianna V. Bolt Art Contest Winners: Pleasant Valley High School student representing Rachel Bezenyon; Stroudsburg High School’s Kirsten McCorquodale, who finished first; East Stroudsburg University President Marcia G. Welsh, Ph.D.; and Stroudsburg High School’s Ellis Rowland, who finished second.