ESU Becomes Relay for Life Campus
Posted by: admin on July 13, 2015, No Comments
East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania hosted its sixth Relay for Life in June and officially became a Relay for Life campus this month.
“The university has been so great to the American Cancer Society and our community,” Lisa Hoey, American Cancer Society representative, said. “It was a designated campus the first time we walked the track in honor and in memory of cancer patients.
We wanted to present them with the sign to display because we want to make sure the community is aware that the university is a very big part in making a difference and helping to find a cure.”
ESU’s Office of Residence Life has had a staff team in the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life since its beginning in Monroe County over 25 years ago. They are frequently a top fundraising team.
This year the team raised $18,139.19, and Bob Moses, director of Residence Life, was the top individual fundraiser bringing in almost $9,000.
“We will continue to relay until, hopefully, one day we will no longer need to…until a cure for cancer is discovered,” Moses said.
This year, $133,500 was raised. Pictured from left to right are members of the Residence Life team with representatives from the American Cancer Society: Cathy Gamez, Jeter Smith, Matthew Simmons, Luke Ackerman, Bob Moses, John Barnak, Relay for Life Chair, Wando Holt, Derek Hess, Kelly Weaber, and Lisa Hoey, American Cancer Society representative.