ESU Hosts Autism Walk, April 24

Posted by: admin on April 22, 2016, No Comments
Close to three million Americans live with an autism spectrum disorder. Individuals diagnosed with autism can face social-interaction difficulties and, depending on the severity, a lifelong speech and learning impediment. As of 2016, a cure for autism has yet to be discovered, leaving millions of autistic individuals and their families pushing for a cure. East Stroudsburg University’s (ESU) chapter of Autism Speaks U, a student organization that raises funds and awareness for Autism, is hosting a 5K walk/run on Sunday, April 24, beginning at 10 a.m. on the Shawnee-Linden quad on campus.
“All proceeds from the event go directly to Autism Speaks which supports autism research,” Rachel Wolf-Colon, Ph.D., assistant professor of speech-language pathology and club adviser to Autism Speaks U at ESU, said. “April is Autism Awareness month and our club is happy to contribute to this worthy cause.”
Other organizations are joining in the fight. ESU’s Phi Sigma Kappa, an on-campus fraternity, is helping set up and organize the event.
“Autism is becoming more common,” Stephen Samaan, a junior majoring in business management from Allentown, Pa., and a Phi Sigma Kappa member, said. “It means so much to Phi Sigma Kappa that we can help raise awareness for such an influential organization.”
This event is open to the public. Registration is $10 per person and is from 9 to 9:45 a.m. For more information contact Dr. Wolf-Colon at 570-422-3929.