ESU Hosts Documentary Showing of The Hunting Ground

Posted by: admin on February 22, 2016, No Comments
Over 100 students were interviewed nationally in a film that tells individual stories of sexual assault on college campuses. The documentary “The Hunting Ground” will be shown at East Stroudsburg University on Monday, February 29 in Stroud Hall 113 at 7 p.m.
The students featured in the film took action in order to break the silence about sexual assault on college campuses and to force their universities to hold perpetrators accountable and to put services in place to support survivors. Weaving together verité footage and first-person testimonies, the film foregrounds the efforts of survivors as they attempt to pursue—despite incredible pushback, harassment and traumatic aftermath—both their education and justice.
The showing of the documentary is sponsored by the Office of Student Affairs, the Women’s Center and the Women’s Studies program in observance of sexual assault month. This event open to the public and it is free of charge. For more information contact Sharon Brown, coordinator of the ESU Women’s Center, at 570-422-3957 or