ESU Hosts Upward Bound College Fair

Posted by: admin on July 17, 2014, No Comments

East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania hosted a college fair recently that showcased 20 colleges to more than 100 high school students who are currently enrolled in the Upward Bound programs at ESU and Wilkes University in Wilkes-Barre, Pa.

Project Upward Bound, for potential first-generation college students, is a federally-funded, academic support program that prepares high school students in grades nine through 12 to become successful college students. The program helps the students develop skills, encourages them to have confidence in their own abilities, introduces them to varied social and cultural activities and provides them with personalized academic support services.

Representatives from each college introduced themselves and shared information about their institutions. Students were able to ask questions and to have a more personalized meeting with the representative of his or her choice. In addition, students rotated among the tables allowing them time to meet each college representative.

Upward Bound will celebrate its 40th year on campus and its 50th year nationally this October.