ESU International Student Organization Holds Annual Spring Festival, April 25
Posted by: admin on April 17, 2015, No Comments
The International Student Organization (ISO) at East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania wants to celebrate different countries, cultures and traditions. On April 25, ISO will hold its annual spring festival on the first floor of the University Center.
“ISO is the closest thing we have on campus that is similar to traveling,” Zodiah Wint, a junior majoring in exercise science from Tobyhanna, Pa., said. “Each of us represents a country, and we provide insights to our culture and we tell you things you can’t find online.”
ISO brings Kwaku Adjei-Bohyen’14, a native of Ghana, back to campus as the keynote speaker. The festival will include dance performances, poetry, international jeopardy, a demonstration on African head wrapping, caricature drawings, and a wide variety of food.
“We want to help enhance the importance of diversity and cultural acceptance,” Cadia Woods, a senior majoring in French and economics from Tannersville, Pa., who is a native of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, said. “In today’s world it is important to be open to new cultures, new ideas and new ways of thinking.”
This event is open to the public and it is free of charge. “I support all that this festival represents; seeing it for yourself brings a healthy dose of reality, and exotic food is always a good reason to attend an event,” Wint said.
For more information contact Michael Laffey, coordinator for the office of international programs, at 570-422-3579 or