ESU Kicks Off New Wellness Program with Walk on Campus

Posted by: admin on October 24, 2012, No Comments
East Stroudsburg University President Marcia G. Welsh, Ph.D., and ESU mascot Burgy cheerfully lead a group of walkers to the football stadium Monday, Oct. 22, as ESU’s WellU committee holds a “kick-off walk” to launch its new wellness initiatives on campus.
The event began at the College Circle by Stroud Hall and proceeded to the Eiler-Martin football stadium, where there were information tables promoting initiatives that encourage wellness. The mission of ESU’s WellU committee is to provide the campus community with opportunities to foster and celebrate a life-long commitment to wellness.
Ongoing initiatives will include: “Move it Mondays,” a walking/running club, which will be led by Dr. Andrea McClanahan, chair of the department of communication studies and associate professor of communication studies; and a cycling group, which will be led by Dr. Scott Dietrich, assistant professor of athletic training