ESU Names Representative Brown Legislative Fellow for 2013

Posted by: admin on August 23, 2013, No Comments
A breakfast honoring East Stroudsburg University’s 2013 Legislative Fellow, State Representative Rosemary M. Brown (R –189th District), will take place on Friday, September 13, 2013 at 8:30 a.m. on the third floor of the university’s Innovation Center, 562 Independence Road, East Stroudsburg, Pa. President Marcia G. Welsh, Ph.D. will introduce Rep. Brown. University faculty, students, staff and special guests from the community will be in attendance. The Legislative Fellow Program at ESU was established in 1999 to invite a different Pennsylvania state legislator every year to participate in ESU campus and student life on a variety of levels.
The Fellows meet formally and informally with students, faculty and staff throughout the academic year. As part of the program, ESU Legislative Fellows may also request a student intern for a semester. The program is co-sponsored by the university administration and the local chapter of the Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Faculties (APSCUF) at ESU. Fellows are selected by a committee of faculty and administrators, and jointly appointed by the university president and the president of APSCUF at the beginning of each calendar year.
Rep. Brown was first elected to the Pennsylvania House of Representatives in 2010. Prior to serving in the House she worked as an executive with companies including Macy’s, Saks Fifth Avenue, and the Bon-Ton stores, and then transferred her business experience into the pharmaceutical industry.
Rep. Brown represents the 189th District on four standing House committees: Aging and Older Adult Services; Commerce; Insurance; and Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness. In addition to these duties, she has been appointed as Deputy Policy Chairperson for the 2013-2014 session. Rep. Brown is also a member of St. John’s Church in East Stroudsburg.
A graduate of East Stroudsburg Area High School, Rep. Brown earned her undergraduate degree in Communications with minors in Business and English from the University of Scranton in 1992. She lives in East Stroudsburg, Pa., with her husband Joseph and their three children Kennedy, Carter, and Reagan.
For more information on the Legislative Fellow Program or the upcoming breakfast, contact Mr. Miguel Barbosa, chief of staff in ESU’s Office of the President at 570-422-3545.