ESU Partners with Community for First Economic Outlook Summit – April 26, 2013

Posted by: admin on April 23, 2013, No Comments
Marcia G. Welsh, Ph.D., president of East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania (ESU), will host the ESU Economic Outlook Summit on Friday, April 26, 2013 from 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the ESU Innovation Center, 562 Independence Road, East Stroudsburg. The summit is open to the general public with registration cost set at $25 per person. Seating for the summit is limited and will be reserved on a first-come, first served basis.
“The purpose of the summit,” said President Welsh “is to raise awareness of the economic development initiatives underway in Monroe County and to involve the community in the Monroe 2020 Economic Development Implementation Plan.” She added, “The Economic Outlook Summit will be an annual event at ESU. As the new president, I am very interested in learning how ESU can become more involved in the economic development of our community through our academic and entrepreneurial programs.”
Janet Weidensaul, co-chair of the Monroe 2020 Comprehensive Strategic Plan, said, “Shaping the county’s future is not an easy task. It requires leadership with vision, patience, determination, and most importantly the voice of the community.” Weidensaul noted, “Now is the time to renew our resolve to work together and to support our officials in their decision making process. Now is the time to be truly innovative. Now is the time to embrace new ideas, and now is the time to be bold as we implement the economic development plan for our county.”
The summit will feature keynote speaker Tom Murphy, a former mayor of Pittsburgh and one of five Urban Land Institute (ULI) senior resident fellows, in Washington D.C. In addition, the summit will feature regional business, education, and healthcare leaders who will address critical issues in their respective areas. Participants will have the opportunity to rank the top three short term goals of the Monroe 2020 Economic Development Implementation Plan as well as learn about additive manufacturing technology and its impact on manufacturing across industry sectors.
ESU Economic Outlook Summit Agenda
- 7:30 a.m. Registration and Networking Breakfast
- 8:05 a.m. Welcome
- Marcia Welsh, Ph.D., President, East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania
- 8:10 a.m. Monroe County’s Economic Forecast – Monroe 2020 Report
- Janet Weidensaul, Introduction and Vision “The Future is Now”
- Alan Young, Esq., Process and Update
- 8:30 a.m. Business and Industry Economic Forecast Panel
- Facilitator: Charles Kirkwood, Esq., President, Shawnee Holding, Inc.
- The Business and Industry Economic Forecast Panel will discuss what Monroe County can do to support business development, expansion, and retention.
- Panelists:
- William Pote, CEO and Founder, Megaphase
- Martha Loomis, President and Co-Owner, Josephine’s Fleur-de-lis
- Phil Hosbach, Vice President, Immunization Policy, Sanofi Pasteur
- Arthur Berry, President and Chief Executive, Camelback Resort
- 9:30 a.m. Education and Healthcare Economic Forecast Panel
- Facilitator: William B. Cramer, Esq. President, Cramer, Swetz & McManus, PC
- The Education and Healthcare Economic Forecast Panel will discuss the role that both education and healthcare play in creating a quality of life that attracts employers and their workforce to the County.
- Panelists:
- Marcia G. Welsh, Ph.D., President, East Stroudsburg University
- Dr. Mark Erickson, President, Northampton Community College
- Dr. Thomas Rushton, Director, Monroe Career and Technical Institute
- Sharon Laverdure, Superintendent, East Stroudsburg School District
- Kathy Kuck, President and CEO, Pocono Health System/Pocono Medical Center
- Facilitator: Cory Sheakoski, Computer Engineer, Mission Software Branch, Tobyhanna Army Depot
- The Additive Manufacturing Panel will provide an introduction to Additive Manufacturing and will discuss how additive manufacturing technology is being integrated into the local economy through our industry and education partners.
- Industry Panelists:
- Mark Menninger, District Sales Manager, Rapid Manufacturing Solutions Group
- Jack Shelp, Design/IT Manager, Imperial Machine and Tool Company
- Cory Sheakoski, Computer Engineer, Mission Software Branch, Tobyhanna Army Depot
- Education Panelists:
- East Stroudsburg University – Joni Oye-Benintende, M.F.A., assistant professor of art and chair, ESU Department of Art; Darlene Farris-LaBar, M.F.A., associate professor, ESU Department of Art
- Northampton Community College – Dr. Paul Pierpoint, Vice President, Community Education/Dean
- Monroe Career and Technical Institute – James Granahan, Computerized Machine Tool Technology Instructor
- Keynote Speaker: Tom Murphy, Senior Resident Fellow, Urban Land Institute, Washington, DC
- Facilitator: George Roberts, TV 13 News Anchor
- Facilitator: George Roberts, TV 13 News Anchor
Urban Land Institute Keynote Speaker
Tom Murphy specializes in public policy, retail/urban entertainment, transportation/infrastructure, housing, real estate finance and environmental issues. As mayor of Pittsburgh, Tom Murphy initiated a public-private partnership strategy that leveraged more than $4.5 billion in economic development in Pittsburgh. Murphy led efforts to secure and oversee $1 billion in funding for the development of two professional sports facilities, and a new convention center that is the largest certified green building in the United States. He developed strategic partnerships to transform more than 1,000 acres of blighted, abandoned industrial properties into new commercial, residential, retail and public uses; and he oversaw the development of more than 25 miles of new riverfront trails and urban green space. Murphy also served in the Pennsylvania State General Assembly House of Representatives.
The Urban Land Institute is a 501(c) (3) nonprofit research and education organization founded in 1936. Its worldwide members represent the entire spectrum of land use and real estate development disciplines working in private enterprise and public service. ULI facilitates an open exchange of ideas, information, and experience among industry leaders and policy makers dedicated to creating better places.
To register for the ESU Economic Outlook Summit, contact ESU Research and Economic Development at 570-522-7920.