ESU Political Science Student Gets Local Government Experience Working with Middle Smithfield Township Supervisor’s Office

Posted by: admin on October 11, 2012, No Comments
John Lopez, an East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania (ESU) senior with a double major in political science and philosophy, completed a summer semester internship in August working in the supervisor’s office for Middle Smithfield Township, Pa. Lopez was an intern working directly for three Middle Smithfield Township Supervisors who comprise the board and govern the township – Annette Atkinson, Mitchell Marcus and Mike Dwyer. During his internship from May to August, Lopez was supervised at ESU by Dr. Kimberly S. Adams, associate professor of political science.
Lopez’s internship duties included assisting with the township’s 911 readdressing project and involvement in the planning and implementation of Middle Smithfield Township’s annual memory makers luncheon in September, which brings together long-time residents and those 60 years or older.
After his internship, Lopez, an Allentown resident, was hired by the supervisor’s office as a receptionist. He said the internship taught him a great deal about the administrative work required of township and government employees.
“I have seen administrative law at work during my internship, which is much different than learning or reading about it in the classroom,” said Lopez. “The internship illustrated, first-hand, democracy in action and the real life effects of it. It was a great opportunity.”
For more information about ESU political science degree programs, contact Dr. Adams at or 570-422-3924.