ESU Presents 2018 Shirley Chisholm Award

Posted by: Elizabeth Richardson on May 2, 2018, No Comments
East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania presented the 2018 Shirley Chisholm Award to Lyndsey Mitchelson, a senior majoring in business management from East Stroudsburg, Pa.
Shirley Anita Chisholm was the first African American woman elected to the United States Congress. ESU’s award, in her name, is presented to a graduating female student who demonstrates excellence in learning, sensitivity to social issues and has a commitment to activism.
Mitchelson has a double concentration in marketing and management, is a member of Sigma Beta Delta global business honor society, and is a strong leader and critical thinker in class. She understands social issues presented in classes and applies them to real-life situations, especially in areas of business ethics and human resource management. Douglas Nay, Ph.D., associate professor of business says, “Mitchelson sees and understands the complexity of many ‘broken’ systems in our society. But, she has hope they can be fixed and a strong desire to be part of the solution.” Mitchelson has been active in various marches on campus and volunteers at her church’s soup kitchen for the homeless.
To learn more about ESU’s Shirley Chisholm Award contact Cornelia Sewell-Allen, dean of student life, at 570-422-3798 or