ESU Reading Professor to Publish 17th Book
Posted by: admin on December 5, 2014, No Comments
Maureen McLaughlin, Ed.D., professor of reading at East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania, has contracted to publish her 17th book. McLaughlin’s latest work, which will be released in spring 2015, focuses on motivating, engaging, and teaching struggling readers in grades 3 – 8.
McLaughlin has been a faculty member at ESU for 26 years. During that time, she published books, chapters, and articles that focused on a variety of aspects of reading instruction, including reading comprehension, critical literacy and content area literacies. Additionally, McLaughlin has written four books and multiple professional development articles about the Common Core State Standards. In a recent webinar on the Common Core State Standards hosted by Ed Week, she set a new record of 3,200 participants — the highest number in the history of the educational forum.
McLaughlin is the past president of the International Reading Association (IRA), a 75,000 member organization that promotes literacy worldwide. She was the recipient of the Association’s Outstanding Teacher Educator in Reading Award in 2010 and is a nationally renowned literacy expert. She is also co-chair of the Research Institute at IRA’s Annual Conference and a member of the editorial review board of The Reading Teacher.
Timothy V. Rasinski, nationally recognized expert in oral reading fluency, is McLaughlin’s co-author for her latest book. Rasinski is a professor of literacy education at Kent State University, Kent, Ohio and a past board member of the International Reading Association. His scholarly interests include reading fluency and word study, reading in the elementary and middle grades, and readers who struggle.
For more information about ESU’s Graduate Reading Program, which includes K – 12 reading specialist certification, contact Mary Beth Allen, Ed.D., graduate coordinator, at