ESU Receives $94,318 to Help Bolster College Readiness Programs

Posted by: Elizabeth Richardson on September 23, 2016, No Comments
Photo Caption: Student researchers work together to prepare presentations for GEAR UP as part of a $94,318 grant.
East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania (ESU) has received $94,318 as a result of two one year awards as part of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education’s participation in GEAR UP (Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs). GEAR UP is a nationwide, college readiness grant initiative funded up the U.S. Department of Education.
ESU Professor of Psychology Bonnie Green, Ph.D. is working with the State System’s Office of the Chancellor as the research scientist for initiatives that will serve four underserved school districts in Pennsylvania – Allentown, Harrisburg, Lancaster and Norristown – to improve high school graduation and college attendance rates. Dr. Green’s student research team has been conducting research and creating measures for variables associated with academic achievement.
“Part of what makes both ESU and my research team perfect for this, is the large number of underrepresented minorities,” Green said. “Many of the schools are populated with students who look like the students in my research lab. Thus, seeing their faces, whether it’s on a presentation slide, in a video clip or in person will help them to see that there is a place for them in college.”
Green and her student research team have created a total of 15 different presentations: five for teachers and tutors, five for parents and five for the students. The presentation topics range from methods to overcome the limitations of stereotypes to practicing mindfulness through yoga.
For more information about the GEAR UP grant contact Dr. Green at 570-422-3355 or