ESU Residence Life Top Fundraiser in Greater Poconos Relay for Life

Posted by: Elizabeth Richardson on July 7, 2017, No Comments
East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania’s Office of Residence life was the top fundraising team in this year’s Greater Pocono 24-hour “Relay for Life,” which was hosted at ESU’s Eiler-Martin Stadium Saturday, June 17 – Sunday, June 18.
ESU’s Office of Residence Life has had a staff team since the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life initiative began in Monroe County over 25 years ago. This year the team brought in $23,246. Bob Moses, director of residence life & housing, was the top fundraiser in the relay with $10,025 in donations. Kelly Weaber, residence director of Hawthorn Suites, was the second highest bringing in a total of $4,709.
“We will continue to relay until, hopefully, one day we will no longer need to…until a cure for cancer is discovered,” Moses said.
According to Lisa Hoey, senior community development manager for the American Cancer Society, this year’s goal is $136,800. To date the event has raised $120,000. “We have several events that are coming up over the next few months and I am sure this community will exceed the goal.” Money raised will support cancer research, along with cancer services that directly impact local cancer patients. “I am so proud of this team from ESU’s Residence Life office, and all of the teams that participated,” Hoey said. “I feel so privileged to live and work in such a great community.”