Schisler Museum and McMunn Planetarium Sets Summer Hours

Posted by: admin on June 10, 2016, No Comments
The Schisler Museum of Wildlife & Natural History and McMunn Planetarium at East Stroudsburg University has set its summer hours. Both facilities are open Saturdays from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., and from June 7 through August 20, they will also be open Tuesdays through Fridays, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Both facilities are open for a single admission price.
ESU’s Warren E. ’55 and Sandra Hoeffner Science and Technology Center houses a state-of-the-art planetarium as well as a world-class museum with more than 130 taxidermy exhibits, a 300-gallon aquarium, and insects from around the globe.
Nearly all of the museum’s taxidermy exhibits were collected and donated by East Stroudsburg University alumni Arthur ’62 and Fannie Greene ’62 Schisler. The McMunn Planetarium is named in honor of ESU supporters and alumni Charles A. “Tony” ’69 and Patricia Lythgoe ’68 McMunn.
“The museum and planetarium are truly meant to be a place of excitement for explorers of all ages. We want to invite the community to experience the wonder of discovery at ESU,” said Catherine Klingler, curator.
General admission for the production is $6; $4for senior citizens and children ages 3-17; and free for ESU students with ID and children under two-years-old. For membership inquiries visit Anyone interested in museum and planetarium activities can contact Klingler at or 570-422-2705.