ESU Senior Participates in Two-Day Walk

Posted by: Elizabeth Richardson on November 2, 2017, No Comments
East Stroudsburg University student Elizabeth Roberts, a senior majoring in communication from Harleysville, Pa., participated in a two-day walk to benefit Multiple Sclerosis. The walk, which took place in Maryland and spanned 30 miles, worked to support the mission of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.
“The walk was an amazing experience. The whole weekend was wonderful and I got to talk to many amazing people and hear incredible journeys and stories,” said Roberts. She said the walk is great way to bring awareness to M.S. because each participant goes out to the community to fundraise and ask for donations.
Worldwide about 2.3 million people are affected by multiple sclerosis, and many do not even know they have it because of how it presents itself. “When I started my fundraising efforts, most people I talked to didn’t know what M.S. was,” Roberts said. She and other participants walked 20.5 miles along the Choptank River in Cambridge, Md. Roberts, along with the help of ESU’s Campus Activities Board, fundraised $1,035. Roberts looks forward to continuing to participate in walks to benefit M.S.
Please visit the National Multiple Sclerosis Society website for more information.