ESU, Stroudsburg Little League Break Ground on New Fields

Posted by: Elizabeth Richardson on May 4, 2018, No Comments
East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania, Stroud Township Board of Supervisors, Stroudsburg Little League and the ESU Foundation broke ground for new baseball and softball fields at the ESSA & Hughes Field Complex at Creekview Park. The enhancements to the baseball and softball fields will accommodate the ESU Warriors baseball and softball teams and Stroudsburg Little League. The new, state-of-the-art fields are expected to be ready fall 2018 with the help of a fundraising campaign by the ESU Foundation and the department of athletics and a grant from the Local Shareholders Account.
Photo from left to right: Rich Santoro, executive director, ESU Foundation; John Kochmansky, head coach, ESU baseball; Bernie Kozen, district 29 administrator, Stroudsburg Little League; Joseph McDonald Jr. Esq., vice president of Stroudsburg Little League; Dr. Gary Gray, ESU athletic director; Dr. Marcia G. Welsh, ESU president; Jerry Robertson, president Stroudsburg Little League; Ed Cramer, Stroud Township Supervisor; Kristine Bush, office of Senator Mario Scavello; Representative Rosemary Brown; Bill Blake, Vigon International; Representative Maureen Madden; Jaime Wohlbach, head coach ESU softball