ESU Students Attend Invitation-Only Cyber Camp/Cyber Security Competition on Full Scholarship; ESU Student Quoted by BBC News

Posted by: admin on July 23, 2013, One Comment
Jonathan Weber, an ESU student with a double major in computer science and computer security, attended the Eastern Regional U.S. Cyber Challenge (USCC) Summer Cyber Camp held at Virginia Tech in June. Weber, who was awarded a full scholarship to attend the camp, was one of 80 individuals from across the country invited to participate.
When most people think about attending a summer camp, the vision conjured is that of a wooded retreat with activities. For ESU undergraduate student, Jonathan Weber of Stroudsburg, camp was something much different. He and fellow ESU student, Justin Moore of East Stroudsburg, were each selected to participate in a U.S. Cyber Challenge (USCC) Summer Cyber Camp. Weber was one of 80 individuals from across the country who attended the Eastern Regional Camp on the campus of Virginia Tech in Roanoke, Va. in June; Moore will attend the Western Regional Camp at San Jose State University, San Jose, Calif. in August. For these cyber geniuses, attending this invitation-only, four-day cyber camp, culminating in a cyber security competition is business as usual.
Weber attended the Cyber Camp on full scholarship provided by USCC, funded in turn by a variety of organizations, including major defense contractors, the Department of Defense, the NSA, and the FBI. USCC’s mission is to significantly reduce the shortage in the cyber workforce and to connect America’s best and brightest to the cyber security industry.
To qualify for the camp, participants had to complete a nationwide online hacking challenge called the U.S. Cyber Quest, offered through USCC and open to all students across America. The online competition drew over 1,000 participants from approximately 400 schools nationwide. Weber scored 100% on the challenge.
Weber, 22, a double major in computer science and computer security, participated in USCC’s cyber camp last year, also on a full scholarship. Given his age, he is remarkably accomplished. In addition to his studies and his involvement with cyber security, Weber has established his main business, Marathon Studios Inc., by way of the ESU Innovation Center. He reports that he has continued to see excellent revenue and profit growth.
“Given my success in business,” Weber says, regarding the direction of his future in cyber security, “it’s likely that, instead of taking an entry-level job with the government, I will instead be considering government contracts with my own business.”
Weber has given interviews on cyber security and web privacy for several major media outlets, including the BBC, U.S. News, a featured segment on TV station WBRE and feature articles for the Scranton Times-Tribune and the Dallas Post.
Link to Dallas Post article:
Link to the BBC article:
Link to U.S. News article:
In addition, Weber has been quoted in Dark Reading, a well-known security industry publication.
Link to Dark Reading article:
As Weber rightly notes, data and technology run our world; and where such technology exists, so do “both the black hats who seek to steal information . . . and the white hats whose job it is to stay one step ahead of the opposition.”
Weber is not the only ESU student to attend this cyber camp. Justin Moore, from East Stroudsburg, also with a double major in computer science and computer security, was selected to attend this camp on full scholarship as well.
“This is a fantastic opportunity,” says Moore, currently in San Francisco working as an intern security engineer at iSec Partners. He makes a good point regarding the real world practice of one’s security skills. “[The cyber security camps],” Moore notes, “give people a place to practice information security skills in an available – and legal – way.”
For more information about the undergraduate and graduate degree offerings within ESU’s department of computer science, contact Robert Marmelstein, Ph.D., professor of computer science and department chair at 570-422-3490 or by email at
Nalin Kansal
Posted July 23, 2013 at 4:14 PM
First of all i would like to congratulate of of them for their indistinguishable work in the field of security. I am extremely happy for both them for their hard work and i wish i could be one among those other students. Being an International student, i am so glad to be a part of such a esteemed University where students like Jonathan and Justin have made Computer Sc. dept so proud and University too. I have taken classes with both of them in past semester and have seen their hard work.
Once again Congratulations!!!