ESU To Celebrate Its First Holiday on the Circle

Posted by: admin on November 9, 2012, No Comments
East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania (ESU) will celebrate its first annual 2012 Holiday on the Circle on Monday, November 26 at 6 p.m. This event, on ESU’s front circle, is open to the public at no cost.
ESU students and community members are invited to join university President Marcia G. Welsh, Ph.D., as she offers holiday greetings. Pastor John Harding of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church also will address the gathering as the university community prepares for the approaching holiday season. Members of the group “The Awakening” will perform, and several student groups, including the ESU Christian Fellowship, will offer remarks.
The event will conclude with a traditional carol-sing led by the ESU Concert Choir, under the direction of Dr. James Maroney, associate professor of music, and the lighting of the Christmas tree and Menorah, along with the prayers for peace. Members of the congregations from B’Nai Harim and Temple Beth Israel will light and bless the Menorah, and students from Christian Fellowship will light the Christmas tree, which is displayed on the campus circle. Immediately following the event will be an open house at the president’s residence on the circle. Cookies and hot cider will be served.
ESU organizes this annual event and encourages members of the campus and regional community to attend. The event is sponsored by the Office of the President, the Department of Music, and the Office of Student Affairs.
For more information or special accommodations, contact Warren Anderson, assistant vice president for student affairs, at 570-422-3463.