ESU to Graduate 1,205 Students at Three Commencement Exercises

Posted by: Elizabeth Richardson on May 3, 2018, No Comments
A total of 1,205 students will receive degrees from East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania at separate commencement exercises for undergraduate and graduate students on May 4 and May 5.
ESU will hold three graduation ceremonies: one for graduate students on Friday, May 4 at 6:45 p.m. and two ceremonies for undergraduate students on Saturday, May 5. The undergraduate ceremonies will take place at 8:45 a.m. (College of Arts and Sciences and College of Education) and at 1:15 p.m. (College of Business and Management and College of Health Sciences). All three ceremonies will be held in Koehler Fieldhouse.
A total of 1,010 bachelor’s degrees, 191 master’s degrees and four doctoral degrees will be awarded.