ESU to Honor Seven University Faculty Authors at Eighth Annual Reception

Posted by: admin on November 1, 2012, No Comments
Seven East Stroudsburg University faculty members and authors will be recognized at the institution’s eighth annual University Authors’ Reception on Tuesday, November 13. The yearly event is designed to honor university authors whose books were published during the preceding year. This year’s honorees published books in 2011. The reception will be held from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. in the lobby of Stroud Hall and is open to the public at no cost.
The names of the authors and the titles of their books are: Dr. Marcia L. Gasper, associate professor of nursing, Clinical Simulations for Nursing Education: Learner Volume and Clinical Simulations for Nursing Education: Instructor Volume (both co-authored with Patricia Dillon), (F.A. Davis Company); Dr. Sheila Handy, associate professor of business management and chair of the business management department, Instructor Resource Manual for Cost Accounting 14th Edition (online) (co-authored with Charles T. Horngren, Srikant M. Datar and Madhav Rajan) (Prentice Hall, 2011) and Instructor Resource Manual for Advanced Accounting, 11th Edition (online) (co-authored with Floyd A. Beams, Joseph H. Anthony, Bruce Bettinghaus and Kenneth Smith) (Prentice Hall, 2011); Dr. Jane E. Huffman, distinguished professor of biological sciences, Pandemic Influenza Viruses: Science, Surveillance and Public Health (co-authored with Shyamal K. Majumdar, Frederic J. Brenner, Robert G. McLean, Assad I. Panah, Patricia J. Freda Pietrobon, Shamus P. Keeler, and Steven Shive) (Pennsylvania Academy of Science, 2011); Dr. Jeffrey S. Ruth, associate professor of modern languages and chair of modern languages department, Urban Honor in Spain: The Laus Urbis from Antiquity through Humanism (Edwin Mellen Press); Dr. Stephanie Romano, associate professor of reading, Revision Strategies for Adolescent Writers: Moving Students in the Write Direction (co-authored with Jolene Borgese and Dick Heyler) (Corwin Press, 2011); Dr. Niandong Shi, professor of mathematics, Algebraic Model Theory, An Introduction in Chinese (The Science Press, 2011); and Dr. Steven Shive, professor of health studies, Pandemic Influenza Viruses: Science, Surveillance and Public Health (co-authored with Shyamal K. Majumdar, Frederic J. Brenner, Jane E. Huffman, Robert G. McLean, Assad I. Panah, Patricia J. Freda Pietrobon, and Shamus P. Keeler) (Pennsylvania Academy of Science, 2011).
Copies of books by 2011 honorees will be permanently displayed in book cases in the Stroud Hall lobby along with the books of ESU authors honored at previous receptions. The program will include welcoming comments from Dr. Edward Owusu-Ansah, dean of the library and university collections, congratulatory remarks by Dr. Van Reidhead, provost and vice president for academic affairs, and presentation of honorees by University President Dr. Marcia G. Welsh. Light refreshments will be served immediately following the brief ceremony.
Members of the University Authors’ Reception committee are: Dr. Owusu-Ansah Dean of library and university collections, and co-chair; Leslie Berger assistant professor, librarian, and co-chair; Dr. Joseph Ashcroft, distinguished professor of communication studies; Dr. Alberto Cardelle, professor of health studies; Dr. Robert Fleischman, professor of sport studies; Dr. Brenda Friday, interim director of university relations; Dr. Maureen McLaughlin, professor and chair of reading; Dr. Elaine Shuey, professor and chair of speech-language pathology; Michael Southwell, assistant vice president of instructional support and outreach, and Linda Van Meter, assistant professor and psychologist of counseling and psychological services.
For more information about ESU’s University Author Book Reception, contact Leslie Berger at 570-422-3597 or